12 | Beast Tamer

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Mwezi didn't have a moment to comprehend as blood spattered across her face and the man in front of them dropped to the ground with his upper torso ripped off. Mwezi's eyes darted from the carcass before her to the massive saber tooth tiger standing in front of them. Her neck hurt to look up at it, even though the cage was on the back of a carriage. It stood at nine feet tall on all fours as it's glowing yellow eyes bore into her as it opened its mouth and tossed the upper half of the man's body away. The blood coating its fur flicked off with the toss and Mwezi took a step back she didn't have room for. "Took you long enough!" Sabine berated the animal. The beast's eyes went from hunger to boredom. "Sabine! Sis!" Mwezi said, tapping the woman's arm in warning.

The Sabertooth lunged at her side of the cage forcing Mwezi to let out a blood curdling scream. "Brother enough! She's a friend!" Sabine said as she threw herself in front of Mwezi. The saber tooth relaxed but not before throwing a warning grown at Mwezi. "Sorry. He can be a wee bit over protective." Sabine apologized as the sabertooth clawed the door clean off. "Brother this is Mwezi. Mewzi, Namur. My big brother." Sabine introduced them as she climbed out the cage with Mwezi close behind her. "Apologies, I wasn't trying to hurt your sister. I just didn't know if riling you up was the best thing to do." Mwezi Apologies sincerely.

She hadn't realized she was tripping over a body until Sabine caught her. It was then she realized Namur had gotten rid of the other men while she wasn't paying attention. Mwezi onced over the bodies and she felt sick. She ran towards the front of the carriage and vomited what little food she had left in her. "Hey you okay? I didn't peg you for a weak stomach." Sabine asked as she tossed Mwezi a rag and water canteen. "I'm...not?" Mwezi asked more than said in a confused manner. "You don't seem to be too sure yourself." Sabine joked as Mwezi started frantically counting on her fingers. There wasa growl that got both of the women's attention as Namur motioned for them to follow him.

"Come on. We gotta go." she said, pulling Mwezi along. "Wait, are we heading back? I need to get to my mates." Mwezi said afraid. Namur growled and rolled his cat eyes before walking off the path and into the tree line. "Some mates. They couldn't stop you from getting kidnapped?" Sabine said and Mwezi wasn't sure if she was joking or being serious. "Well yeah especially if they weren't there." Mwezi replied. "Oh, they let you go out alone?" Sabine asked curiously. " I was with my mother, the bear queen." Mwezi replied absent mindedly. All this time here and her feet hadn't quite yet hardened to weather the forest floors. "Yikes." Sabine replied. Mwezi stopped and turned to her. "Last I checked you were in the cage too. Far longer than me. So much for an overprotective brother." Mwezi replied swiftly. Her petty was rising with her anger.

Namur had turned around and lunged at Mwezi but she ducked and rolled under him. She grabbed two rocks and hit them together. "You wanna go?!" She yelled at him. Namur paused not sure if he was offended or confused that he spoke to her in such a manner. Sabine burst out laughing and walked over to Mwezi, patting her shoulder. "I like her a lot. She's definitely with us. Plus the kids would kill for an auntie." Sabine replied over her shoulder.

Naumr growled low as he walked past Mwezi to catch up with Sabine and Mwezi randomly hissed back. Naumr looked taken aback with his head jerking away but all the dried blood matting his fur made him look all the dangerous he is.

It didn't take long for Mwezi to tire out. With long distances like this she was used to riding in a carriage or one of the men carried her. Her feet were sore and she was sure to be cut in some places. "We can rest here for now. Sleep in the day and travel under the veil of night." Sabine said as she had already gathered some firewood. Mwezi helped all she could but her feet were burnt out and she sat on the ground looking around for anything to sooth her pain. Namur brought over a leaf of aloe and dropped it in her lap. "So, not to be rude but uh." "He doesn't shift." Sabine replied to the unasked question. "Doesn't care for the human aspect of life." she added and Mwezi nodded confused. "Get some rest yeah?" Sabine suggested as she helped apply the Aloe and wrap Mwezi feet. "Yeah sure." she replied.

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