15 | Beast Tamer

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In This Chapter: Mwezi, Lu'anna, Kaizo, Paka, Māui , Tazeem, Ma'kaio, Nyoka, Kai, Tayir

In This Chapter: Mwezi, Lu'anna, Kaizo, Paka, Māui , Tazeem, Ma'kaio, Nyoka, Kai, Tayir

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"Commmee oonnnnn, I wanna go outsidddeee" Mwezi groaned as she threw another tantrum. "Boy's it's been two weeks, nearly three. Let the girl live! If you're that worried, go with her or send her out with an escort." Lu'ana scolded. "I knew mama ana loved me." Mwezi hugs the queen and pretends to sniffle. "There there baby, mamas got you." she replied, rubbing her back in circles. "We're also super busy though. I'm helping pa acquire land and supplies. Nyoka is dealing with the settlements for newcomers and teaching people how to work with them and Paka has fully dedicated himself to training and the nursery." Kai said with a sigh.

After the incident Paka realized that he had the lowest marks of the group. Even Tayir had gotten his forth mark while out training and working with Māui. "Okay, compromise! Drop me off to see Sabine and muh Nephews! I'll be safe with them of course. I get to socialize and play with the kids and I'm still within kingdom grounds. I literally know all of them Sabertoohs." Mwezi countered. Kai raised a brow and looked from her face to her belly and back up.

He sighed and his shoulders slumped. "Okay Okay but please take it easy. You think I'm worried about you now if something happens, even an accident. I will...what do you say? Yeah, loose my shit." He acquiesced. Mwezi giggled and jumped into his arms. He caught her easily and held her close as she wrapped her legs around his waist. "Perhaps I should just skip my duties today and keep my mate company." He growls against her skin before kissing his mark on her shoulder.

The pleasure that shot through her body made her body shudder and she let out a soft moan. Kai pressed Mwezi up against the wall in their room as his mouth claimed hers. Their tongue battled one another but she submitted to him easily. "Mmmm such a good girl for me." He growled in her ear as his hand applied soft pressure to her neck. "Yes Sir." She whispered, happy he was holding her as her legs grew weak. Kai secured his hold before turning around with her in his arms and laying her along the bed.

Kai hand slide up her leg shoving the fabric of her skirt aside. He rubbed his thumbs in circles massaging her inner thigh. There was banging at the door that made Mwezi scream in shock before resting her hand on her chest to try and calm her racing heart. Kai slide off the bed and padded along the floor silently before opening the door so hard it broken one of the hinges at the top. "This better be good" he said through gritted teeth.

The soldier swallowed the ball of fear that got stuck in his throat. "The king requires you and Princess Mwezi's presence. There are royal visitors that we are still trying to persuade as allies to share land. He feels you two being there would help." He informed them. Mwezi came up behind Kai and rubbed her hand from the small of his back up to rest on his shoulder. "It's alright my love. We have plenty of time" she told him, trying to calm him down. He sighed, still frustrated but less so. He didn't appreciate the uncomfortableness growing in his loincloth.

Kai took her hand and guided her to the reception area where King Kaizo and Queen Lu'ana were waiting for them. Kai looked at his parents and noticed their worried glance. "Wolves" was the king's reply. Kai sighed and nodded with understanding while Mwezi looked confused. The Wolf royalty was announced before she could ask any questions. "Kaizo! So good to see you!" The wolf king greeted with a smile on his face. Mwezi felt uncomfortable and stuck with her gut. He was not to be trusted.

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