2 | Beast Tamer

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Mwezi had managed to pack everything she thought she'd need and still grab more supplies for her adventure. She had no idea where she was going but between her always in the wild with her father and her memaw's hate for technology she knew how to survive if need be. Everything was packed perfectly in her rucksack like an expert game of Tetris.

She was leaving later that night and only just told her pastor the day before in the hopes they wouldn't try and throw anything too crazy for her. But if there's a loving church environment there's a way. She was dressed in a khaki button up short sleeve shirt that was tucking into matching shorts that had a dark brown belt. She made sure to get high end outdoor boots and started trekking around her property as soon as she got them. Nothing like trying to break in new hiking boots while on a job. Rookie mistake. Her copper locs were secured high on her head with a leather strap. Lasted longer than any scrunchie known to man, never got magically tangled in her hair and somehow she never lost it. So basically, every natural haired girl's blessing.

She didn't want to pay for parking so one of her church members offered to pick her up from her home she inherited from her grandmother and another would drop her off at the airport. She offered to pay gas but they said 'put it to tithe!', so she would. It didn't take long for them to reach the church and surprisingly everything was ready to go when she got there, which means they were late to pick her up. "Ah lookuh hea! Our vera own scientist! Mwezi hunny. On behalf of all of us, your extended family. We wish you the best on your future endeavors and lots of love." The pastor said before everyone bowed their heads and he prayed.

Mwezi hadn't seen Melvin all night and part of her was sad she wouldn't get to see her friend before she left but she understood he was probably hurt. She decided to help them start cleaning up but the pastor's wife came over. "Mwezi baby ya rides here. We'll take care a it. Go on, git. God be great baby. Make ya parents and Mewmaw proud nah." She said and gave a teary eyed Mwezi a hug. "Thank you so much guys. This was really great and I needed it more than I realized. I'm gunna miss ya'll." Mwezi thanked the congregation and went out front to meet her ride.

"Melvin!" she said with an excited smile as he lifted himself off of the car he was leaning on. She ran over to him and placed her bag down before giving him a heartfelt hug. "I thought I wouldn't get to say goodbye to you." She murmured into the crook of his neck. "I'd never miss out on a chance to see my favorite girl. I kinda wanted us time so I offered to take ya to the airport." He said and she could have sworn he was blushing. "Alright them sure. Let's go!" Mwezi said excitedly. She went to grab her bag but Melvin got to it first and placed it in the bad seat since it was too bulky for the trunk. She slid into the passenger seat after he opened the door for her and situated herself and we went around to get it on the driver's side.

He has a playlist already queued on his Spotify and it was a compilation of all the songs they grew up listening to and loved. They sang many of them, some good and others horribly. "So Mewzi. I know you're going away and stuff and will be gone for some time but I was thinking. I figured I'd take a page outta ya book and try to expand my horizons and focus on me. I actually have a friend who works for Google and said if I got my official certifications he could get me an interview." He informed her. "HOLY SHIT MELVIN THAT'S AWESOME!" she squealed and could only cling to his arm since she couldn't give him a proper hug. "I'm sooooo happy for you. I demand updates at all times. I'll make sure to have a pre interview prep-speech and I want a post interview call. And hopefully once you get it I'll be able to come visit and you can take me to dinner." She said with a smile and giggle. Melvin grabbed her hand with his free one and laced their fingers, his eyes lingering on them a bit before focusing back on the road. "I will. I will take this time for me, keep you in the loop of course and maybe. Just maybe." 'When you come back to me I can convince you to be mine before you go again' he thought the last part to himself. "Maybe what?" Mwezi asks, her head tilted in confusion. He shook his head, "Nothing. If it happens it happens, otherwise I want you to know I value what we have and our friendship and will love you anyway I can." He said, throwing her a smirk as he pulled into the airports drop off parking.

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