18 | Beast Tamer

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It had been a few weeks since the mating. Mewzi was glowing happily. She would skip around the house giving her mates early morning kisses and hugs before they got too busy later in the day. She got to know Kai's parents better but still missed spending her time with the guys. The weather had turned colder and Nyoka had fought as long as he could before he had to hibernate. 

Mewzi rubbed her growing belly and sighed. She had hoped to help in the battle but she knew she wouldn't be allowed. She had always wondered why she couldn't get magical powers like the main characters in other books she read. She wondered who the father would be. Would they be born as animals or humans.

The sound of voices raised brought her out of her idle thoughts. She slipped out of bed carefully and thanked her mother in law for the fur slippers that slid on. She held her belly with one hand and put the other on her hip. She was determined to not waddle but she was only a few months along and she was carrying so big.

Her slippers made a shifting  down as she was too tired to bother picking them up properly. She'd imagine the fit grandmother would have thrown. There were Kings, Queens, generals of all kinds. The sounds of shouting died down as everyone noticed Mwezi coming around the corner. She waved shyly. "Well you don't have to stop on my account." She tried to lighten the mood.

Namur walked over to her and placed his forehead against hers. "I'm sorry, did we wake you?" Mwezi shook her head. "Not at all, I was just thinking. What's wrong?" She asked, trying to peek around him.

"We differ on how we want to approach this war. Some of us who've actually been in battle want to take this on head first. Those that are afraid of political nonsense want to wait for my brother to strike." Maui said bored.

A woman with butt length hair banged on the table. The top half of her head was bright orange while the bottle a pure white. Random highlights of black strewn about. "You cannot ask the entire fucking island to go to war for a petty squabble over some woman and a rouge. Why should we join you? You have most of the shifters on this island. You don't need us. I will see no tiger blood spilled over this nonsense." She called out.

Mwezi, like everyone else sighed. "Then what?" She asked. The woman looked at her, at her belly and then back to her. "Worry about carrying your pups and leave this to those who will actually handle the problem." She retorted unbothered. Mwezi raised a hand before her mates could retort.

"But that's just the issue here. You're playing pussy, which is pathetic considering you're the only feline bowing out like a bitch. You want to sit here and cry about a little war. War is never. Little. Blood shed is never little.

Let's say we win. That problem is solved but now what? You think we'd want to ally with you after your display here? We wouldn't trust you as far as I could throw you. But let's go dark. Say we don't win. You think Tazeem is going to leave you alone because you didn't help us? He would do his best to break you and make you bow just like he'd want to do to us. Oh and I can't imagine he'd let you or your son continue to rule. Tell me to worry about my pups while risking your own.

Oh and let's not forget the tension with the Eagles. They can't pass through Hawk or Jag kingdom without getting murdered out of the sky. You think. They won't be nice and fly around you. You can handle this head on like a Queen or run like some limp dick cuck. Attack the issue head on proactively or reactively explain to your innocent civilians why they're being murdered in droves as collateral over some, how did you put it, petty squabble. Enjoy that blood on your hands." Mwezi said everything but the last party calmly. She made sure to keep as calm as possible but she needed to be forced to see reality.

She didn't have much to say in retort but she looked like he wanted to murder Mwezi. Sabine stepped beside her and smiled. "Please keep this promise in mind. Should you side with our enemy, we will destroy you. Not you lands or your people. But you. You will lose everything....and then your life." Sabine told the man.

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