10 | Beast Tamer

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Mwezi climbed off her knees and dusted them off after finishing her prayer. "Lord give me strength" she muttered to herself as she made her way downstairs for breakfast. "Good morning everyone!" she said with a smile. Everyone greeted her as she sat down and her eggs and sausages were served to her. Paka walked in yawning and kissed Mwezi on the head before sitting down next to her. "Morning my love." he said with a cheesy smile. She giggled, "Morning my mate." she replied coyly. Paka grinned even wider as his ears twitched excitedly. "Morning my deary, Māui and Tayir wanted me to let you know they had to leave early but they will be back to visit and pick out a home." Kai's mother informed her cheerfully.

Mwezi nodded with a mouth full of food as she bounced happily in her chair. One thing she loved about this place was everything was from scratch. The eggs were bigger and tased better, everything was organic, non processed and even if it tasted different it was still so good. However, Mewzi had her concerns. She had been here for some time and in a few weeks she'd need to figure out what to do while her reproductive organ was...under maintenance. "Hey, can I uh talk to you about some important woman stuff, later?" Mwezi asked and Kai's mother nodded. "I've got you all sorted hun don't worry. I knew things may be different than how you're used to so I figured I'd prep everything ahead of time." she replied with a smile. Her thoughtfulness made Mewzi think about her own mother, taken too soon.

Kai's father noticed the mood change and spoke up. "Well There's a big surprise for you today if you up for it!" he announced. Mwezi gave him a confused look and Kai's mother chuckled. "All the recent drama and you forget your own birthday?" she asked Mwezi. Mwezi threw her head back and groaned in frustration. Not because she forgot but she hadn't been keeping track of time and mother nature on your birthday sucked all the same no matter the world you were in. "No worries! The boys didn't forget!" Kai's father said. Come to think of it, Paka was missing and she hadn't seen him leave or where he went. "What are things 1 through 3 up to?" Mwezi asked and Kai's parents laughed.

Before she could react, two strong arms lifted her up out of her hair and higher than normal. She clung to the strangers neck and her arms ran through his waist length curly hair. "Nyoka! What the hell!?" Mwezi asked, still in shock. "Sorry little love, I wanted to surprise you." he said apologetically and kissed her forehead. Mwezi pursed her lips playfully as him and he threw her a heart warming grin. "Go on kids, have fun!" Kai's father said as he held onto his wife with a knowing smile. "byE!" Mwezi squealed as Nyoka slid off into the wild. "Where are you taking me?" Mwezi asked and Nyoka chuckled as his forked tongue snaked out as if he was looking for something.

He changed directions and shifted Mwezi so she sat comfortably on his shoulder. She had to be at least twelve feet high given his height. "It's so beautiful..." she muttered as he casually slithered through the dense vegetation. The various shadows of green in the trees and ground were beautiful but it was the vibrant colors of all the different flowers, animals and bugs that caught her eyes. Every shade and hue of the primary and secondary colors mixed with the earth tones. Even some of the tall glass had veins of colors she'd never seen before. She was so enamored in her surroundings, she didn't hear the waterfall until they had nearly arrived.

"Oh God!" she said with teary eyes. 'Sorry!" she squealed to herself for taking the Lord's name in vain. The tall grass had faded out to shorter grass and soft bushes with spurts of tall flowers in various colors of reds, oranges and pinks. The clearing gave way to a calm water pool fed by a few gentle waterfalls coming off high rocks littered with moss and the same followers. The water was so clear she could see the small fish swimming about and the precious stones on the floor bed. She looked to her right to see Paka and Kai laying out a large blanket, pillows and a few baskets of various foods. Nyoka put her down slowly and worriedly looked over here. "Do you not like it?" he asked.

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