19|Beast Tamer

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Mwezi felt her emotions well up. She was panicked and scared and worried. There were many small battles here and there. The guys had all had a wound of some kind. Nothing serious but she never knew until they came home. She had argued that they didn't need to fight that they could let the people do it but she knew it wasn't fair. They would never ask their people to do what they couldn't. Her mates especially had a plan. They wanted to sneak Tazeem, catch him slipping. He had been running and hiding. Most of his wolves had been killed off while the innocent bystanders were allowed to live. Only after they swore fealty to Maui.

Mwezi’s belly had grown and she had Sabine and the queens helping her prepare her for the birth. The doctor confirmed it was definitely more than one child, and the potions told her she was having three boys and a girl. She hated that she had started weird cravings. Namur had to start adding rare meats to her soups. It tasted delicious but it had gotten so she was just eating raw meat at this point. It was even more frustrating because they all could eat raw meat so it didn't narrow down who the father was.

"I'm so excited!! My first ever grand babies" Lu'Anna started to cry.

"MA wait do-n't" now Mwezi was crying. 

There was a knock on the door and Maui cracked it open a little. "Um, is everything okay? I can hear and smell tears so…"

The Jaguar Queen laughed. "Yes, it's just baby tears. We're all excited!"

"Yeah excu-" Mwezi was cut short as her breath left her body and her legs felt wet. "OH OHOHOHOHOHOHSHIT!"

"MAUI GET IN HERE" Lu'anna called out. He burst into the room and lifted Mwezi into his arms. Sabine's head shot up as he carried Mwezi past her and into the birthing room. All Mwezi could see around him was Sabine's coat as she shifted and took off to get the others. 

"IT'S TIME THE PUPS ARE HERE" Sabine called out before running back to the birthing room.

There was a hysterical clamor of limbs, fur and feathers as Paka, Kai, Tayir and Namur all dropped what they were doing, some literally, and sprinting to the birthing room as if their life depended on it.

They ran up to hearing Mwezi groan and half scream as her contractions started to hit. "Fuck I did NOT expect this!" She yelled.

"Are births different in your world?" The Jaguar Queen asked as she Help Lu'Anna finish set up.

"Yes and NOOOO" She screamed as another contraction hit "fucking hell. The contractions build up over several hours. They don't normally HIT LIKE THIS FUCK!!" She screamed again as the guys filled the room. Had she not been experiencing period cramps times ten she would have laughed. 

Maui helped her on her feet and into a squat. Kai and Paka each took a hand. Tayir looked panicked and scared as when they first met while Namur looked like he might go pale. There was ruckus outside as hissing could be heard. The contractions were coming so fast Mwezi didn't process Nyoka's Voice as he slid into the room. He fought himself not to wind up around then as he stood in shock at the door. His heart nearly crumbled as he realized he would have missed this had he gone to the great sleep. He pulled his tail into the room and closed the door on Settin and Temmin trying to peek over and around him. 

Water was poured into the basin below Mwezi. Herbs and flower petals spun around as the water sloshed about before settling. The room began to smell of calming and sweet scents. Lu'Anna began to sing and the fellow shifted in the room hummed along. 

There was nothing but Mwezi's screams and labor breathing for some time until the first splash was heard. A russet red fur ball unfurled itself as it splashed around in the water. Lu'Anna lifted it up and out of the water and held it up in the light. "A cub! And he's a boy!" If he hadn't been already in tears Kai now cried in full elation. He was a father!

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