13 | Beast Tamer

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Mewzi woke to a wet tongue lapping across her cheek. At first she thought it was one of the boys until she went to shove the face away and the head was much larger than she anticipated. "Boys, cut it-Namur?" she asked groggily as she sat up and rubbed her eyes. He looked at her worried and placed the basket down he had in his mouth. For the last few weeks someone had been leaving soup at her hut door and it turns out it may have been him. She shivered as a breeze flew in from the gap in the open door. He padded over to it silently and nudged it close with his nose. It was turning into fall and she had begun to worry about the others. Namur made a sound that was a mix between a huff and groan before walking back over to her and scooting the basket closer to her.

The soup was still warm and he even brought her bread this time. Whatever was in it had helped her with her morning sickness and nausea tremendously. She eyes him cautiously as she begins to eat, curious as to why he came in today of all days. "Well good morning and thank you. Is uh, everything alright? You normally just drop n' go." she asked curiously. He backed up a bit before laying on the ground and closing his eyes. He then started to toss about like he was having a bad dream. "I was...having a nightmare?" she asked for clarification. He nodded before walking behind her and laying on his belly. His large body gave her a back rest and his warmth kept her from freezing until she was not lazy enough to start her fire. "Thanks." she muttered as she went back to eating.

Her dreams weren't overall too bad or abnormal. She can't even remember what she was having a nightmare about last night. As Mewzi finished her soup a bunch of people started screaming orders outside. Namur got un, careful not to let Mewzi fall, before making his way outside. Mewzi followed behind as she saw people running to stow the children away, put out the large fires and hide everything. Had she not known better and seen everyone she would have thought it was a deserted village in the forest. "Tell hell is going on?" she asked as Sabine nearly dragged Mewzi to her hut. "There is a military patrol and some trackers nearby. Stay here safely with the kids and I'll let you know when it's clear." she said. "Wait! What kingdom are they from? What race are the trackers? They could be here for me." Mwezi retorted.

Sabine sighed. She knew that Mwezi was most likely right, she was just trying to bid them more time. "Fine but let me make sure first. Stay here until I come get you,"She replied. Mewzi nodded. That was fair, in case it wasn't them. "Where is she!?" was All Sabine heard as she ran up to the border of their camp. "Who?" She asked calmly. Māui scoffed and threw his hands up in the air annoyed. "We're looking for Princess Mwezi. Mate to the Bear Prince Kai. She has been missing for almost three months." Tayir said. He didn't want to cause a scene especially after what they had learned. Sabine sighed and rubbed her hand down her face. "One second." she groaned and turned back to her hut. Mwezi saw her coming and met her outside. "They boys were worried so I sang them a song. It put them right to sleep." she informed Sabine.

Sabine nodded with a smile but it wasn't full. "What's wrong?" Mwezi asked as she cupped the side of Sabine's face with a hand. Sabine sighed and put her forehead to Mwezi's. "They're here for you. A wolf and a bird I believe." Sabine informed her. "Oh! Tayir and Māui! But why do you look so distressed?" Mwezi said, trying to hold in her excitement. She had a feeling Sabine was taking her going home hard but wasn't sure why. "I really don't want you to go." She whispered. "Sabine, you know I'll come back to visit." Mwezi said even more confused. "How are you sure? They think us beast, and fear us! For good reason! Why would they let their precious princess come here?" Sabine scoffed. "Okay best friend. Sistah. I get it and I hear you. But understand that I am not the fucking one. Remember how I helped Kai establish a land for "ferrals" and people who lost mates or were rejected. The same power I hold to do something like that. I'll be fucking damn if I don't or I'm not allowed to come see MY family." Mwezi said with a raised brow.

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