Chapter 2

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"COME ON GINNY!!! HURRY UP NOW!" Mrs. Weasley's voice rang throughout the train station.

Ginny was practically dragging her bags rather than rolling her luggage or carrying anything. She was too busy with her thoughts at the moment to put any effort into carefully transporting her things. She noticed platform 9 3/4 was a lot less crowded than normal, in fact, to use the word crowd at all would be unfitting. Half the train carts weren't even open to students, she figured it must be because of how much smaller the group of students was attending Hogwarts this year. Where was everyone? She thought to herself was this really all the students that would be attending this year? There were only a few carts full of students most of which were returning students rather than first years. She expected the number of students attending this year would be a lot less but didn't expect this. She gave another careless tug on her luggage and quickened her pace when she heard Hermione addressing the train conductor.

"What do you mean assigned compartments?" She asked, sounding confused.

"Yes young lady, this year you're being assigned to certain compartments due to limited seating. There is no need to open the other train cars up with such a small group of students this year. There are just enough seats available on these few designated train carts so all students were randomly assigned to a compartment to avoid fighting or overfilling of each one," He said with a big smile.

"Oh, I see."

"Here is your ticket, Miss," he said, handing over her ticket and then turned to the rest of them to hand them their tickets.

"This is such crap," said Ron; pushing past them to get on the train.

"RONALD!!! GET OVER HERE AND GIVE YOUR PARENTS A HUG GOODBYE!" called Mrs. Weasley; meeting him half way.

They all said their goodbyes; Ginny had noticed her mom and dad holding onto her a little longer than necessary. She gave George a hug and he gave her a knowing look, she gave a small smile back knowing he was referring to their talk last night. She couldn't help but get annoyed at him for acting like nothing was wrong, but she knew he had his reasons and it was helping him cope, but it wasn't the same way for her, yeah, she was tired of the sadness that seemed to fall upon their entire family, but at the same time she didn't want to be told how to deal with things, sometimes she just wanted to be left to her thoughts hoping that she would come to a conclusion about how to move forward on her own. Did she though? She didn't know, she was becoming frustrated, she really didn't know how to feel after all, so she wasn't even sure if she knew what she was thinking was real or not or just......"Ugh" was all she could voice while she stepped onto the train.

"You ok Gin?" Harry asked, walking behind her onto the train

"Oh, uh, yeah, just these silly assigned seats, seems so juvenile," she lied. She really didn't care where she sat she was going to get lost in her thoughts anyway, or a book hopefully if her mind would allow it.

"Yeah, I guess it is, but hopefully we get a compartment full of good company," he said arriving at his compartment

"Yeah, hopefully; well, see you in a bit," she said, dragging her carry-on bag behind her.

"Sweet, we get to sit together" Ginny heard Ron say to Harry as they both disappeared behind the compartment door. Hermione was fortunate enough to get a compartment with Luna Lovegood which Ginny was glad for, she knew Hermione needed a girlfriend to talk to about girl things and she knew she wasn't that much of a talker these past few months and she felt guilty about being such a distant friend to Hermione but she just couldn't help her feelings as of lately.

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