Chapter 17

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Draco woke up the next morning with the sun beating on his face. He turned his head to the side where Ginny laid with him during the night and then snuck off to her room a few hours ago. He smiled to himself with how lucky he felt to have her in his life. His mind went back to the conversation with his mother last night. He wasn't sure how to feel towards her, he did, though, understand a bit more why she is the way she is but it still doesn't make it right. He thought about talking to her again, but he couldn't get past the information she shared with him last night. He then thought of his father and how much more angry he was at him. He didn't think he could have any more hate for a person but he did. He then thought about his kiss with Ginny last night in front of her family; he just kept thinking of how much love he had for her at that moment and he didn't care who was around to see at that time, he had to have his lips on her. There was a knock at his door and before he could answer Ginny popped her head in.

"Morning," she said brightly.

"You know I could have been changing," he said sitting up.

"Oh, is that so, then I guess I would have gotten a good show," she said seductively and then sat down next to him getting ready to kiss him.

"Guys, maybe you could save your shag session for later, McGonagall wants you both downstairs for practice," Hermione said walking past Draco's bedroom.

Ginny gave Draco a quick kiss and then ran off to get dressed. Hermione stood in the doorway with her arms folded with a smile on her face.

"What?" Draco asked, throwing his blankets off and getting up.

"Nothing... it's just nice to see you two together."

"You mean it's nice to see your in-depth therapeutic conversations with me paid off and you can add matchmaker to your resume?" he teased.

She laughed.

"Just get dressed," she said, rolling her eyes and walking away.

"WHY? IS MY PERFECT PHYSIQUE MAKING YOU ALL HOT AND BOTHERED?" he called out to her with a smirk on his face.

He laughed to himself when he heard her call from downstairs "YOU WISH!"


Draco walked out of the bathroom and went to make his way downstairs when he saw Narcissa making her way downstairs also. They looked at each other for a moment.

"Mother," he said flatly.

"Morning Draco," she said with a tense expression.

They walked downstairs together in silence; it was awkward for both of them. Draco wasn't sure if he should be mad at his mother or take pity on her or neither. He noticed her whole persona had changed since their conversation last night; almost as if she had this weight lifted off of her and it was replaced with guilt.

"I thought I'd watch you practice today if that's alright?" she said suddenly when they reached the bottom of the stairs.

He was a bit shocked at her statement and turned to look at her. "Uh... yeah" was all he could manage and then made his way outside to the back porch.

He walked outside and saw everyone leaning over the porch ready to watch him and Ginny practice. He joined Ginny in the middle of the field and saw she had a nervous look on her face.

"Nervous?" he asked.

She let out a shaky breath, "Yeah, you could say that."

"Alright Mr. Malfoy and Miss Weasley, I'm putting a sort of ward like dome over you both. This will keep any advanced magic that comes about off the radar from the Ministry." McGonagall explained.

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