Chapter 30

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He laid in bed awake for what seemed like an hour with the morning sun hitting his face and just thinking of the two men he left behind. He knew Draco was trying to save his life and that he actually did, but not turning back around to go after them was a huge regret he had. He kept seeing Seamus be killed over and over in his mind and then the look on Ginny's face when she learned about Draco and Harry just ripped apart his heart. He rubbed his eyes before any tears threatened to fall and threw the blankets off of himself and swung his legs over the side of the bed.

"Oh good your up." came Hermione's voice from the doorway.

"Why good? Did Kingsley finally give us the go ahead?" Ron asked, snapping his head up and looking at her with hopeful eyes.

Hermione just smiled and sat beside him on the bed.

"What is it?" Ron asked with a small smile growing on his face; he couldn't help how seeing Hermione smile made him do the same.

"I need to tell you something." she said, taking his hand in hers.

He looked at her and his smile faded and he became more serious. "What's going on Hermione?"

"It's Harry and Draco.......... they're back...... and they're alive." she said cautiously, studying her husband's facial expression as the news hit him.

"What?" he whispered in disbelief, getting up abruptly from the bed and looking at her like she had three heads.

"They're downstairs, but Draco is still knocked out from his-

Ron cut her off by running out of the bedroom and flew down the steps two at a time to the kitchen area. He stopped short when he saw the raven haired boy laughing at the table with Luna over breakfast and then look up at his best mate's sudden appearance.

"Harry...Y.......You're're..... I.....I-" Ron couldn't get the words out; his emotions were making it impossible to form any words at all right now.

His breathing became heavy and Harry got up and approached his best friend with a bright smile.

"Hey..... it's ok..... don't-"

"I left you's.......I-"

"Noooo..... you didn't leave us, Draco did what he had to do, you would've been killed." Harry tried to make him see this.

Ron just kept shaking his head; he felt so guilty for not going back for them and he then grabbed Harry into a hug and just kept apologizing over and over. Mrs. Weasley stood and watched the scene with tearful eyes and then fixed Ron a plate of breakfast. Harry filled Ron in on the details of Draco's condition and how they made it out alive; Ron for the first time was more into Harry's story than the food in front of his face. Ron turned his attention towards Ginny, who was making her way over to the fridge to grab a baby bottle and started to warm it up.

"Gin...... can you believe they're alive?" he said with a giant smile.

Ginny just looked at her brother with a small smile and then glanced over to the living room couch where she saw an unconscious Draco getting his bandages changed by Madame Pomfrey.

"Yeah," she said softly, turning her attention back to the bottle she was heating up.

"What's wrong, sweetheart?" Mrs. Weasley asked.

Ginny let out a long sigh and sat at the table. "I don't know, Draco just seems..... different."

"Well, sweety he is fighting to stay conscious right now, he sustained a pretty harsh head injury. I'm sure it's normal for him to be a little out of sorts." Mrs. Weasley reassured her.

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