Chapter 27

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Mid July came around and Ginny became more and more miserable every day with how big she was getting and how her emotions were so erratic. She was also nervous about the delivery that was only about a month away and found herself constantly lost in the thoughts of how it would be to give birth and how many things could go wrong during it. Her Mother kept telling her to stop thinking about it as it wasn't doing her any favors; it was just worrying her more. She threw her mass of red hair up into a ponytail and made her way downstairs.

"Are you ready? We were suppose to pick Mal and the kids up a half hour ago." Ginny snapped at Ron.

"Chill out Gin, I'm ready." He said, opening the front door for her.

"Be careful you lot." Mrs. Weasley called from the living room with a wad of yarn in her lap.

As Ginny got into the front seat of Malini's car she smirked at seeing how odd it was to see Ron get behind the driver's seat and she thought back to the day Malini gave him a driving lesson. She was thankful that the town was a straight run down the road, otherwise she wouldn't risk her safety. Malini let them use the car the previous day to bring back some more stuff from the baby shop because it was hard for Ginny to get around and she was sick of being cooped up in the house constantly because of it. It amazed her a bit at how trusting these Muggles were, she was taken aback yesterday when Malini told them to just keep the car overnight and just grab her and the kids the next day for the big dinner back at the farmhouse that Mrs. Weasley had planned.

"HARRY, HERMIONE, DRACO.....LET'S GO, BEFORE GINNY TRANSFORMS INTO A ROYAL BITCH AGAIN!" Ron yelled out the window receiving a hard punch to his arm from his very pregnant sister.

"Did you just call the Mother of my children a bitch Weasley?" Draco said, leaning down into the driver's window with his wand casually pointed at Ron.

"You wouldn't use magic, we're not allowed." Ron snarled.

Draco looked at Ginny across the way. "I will if Ginny wants me to." he smirked at her.

She smirked back, "It's ok, I'm on a mission to prove Ron wrong about me being a bitch." she said, reaching forward and pinching his side.

"Ouch, cut it out." Ron said, slapping her hand away.

Draco, Harry and Hermione piled into the back seat and said a small prayer while Ron started the car and slowly but surely made his way toward town. Ginny was about to flip out on him with his constant braking causing her to become nauseous, but she bit her tongue and tried to keep her cool. She wasn't sure if she was more mad at Ron for driving like an old lady or the fact that she was sweating to death right now in this damn summer heat.

They soon approached the tiny town and it wasn't bustling with people like it normally was and there were windows busted and debris scattered about the streets. Ron stopped the car midway through town and they all got out surveying the damage noticing there wasn't a soul around.

"What the hell happened?" Ron asked, looking around the torn up town.

Ginny took a few steps towards the baby shop that Draco and her so often seemed to visit, to find the door busted in and she slowly approached it with her wand out. She was about to enter the shop when she saw the owner dead on the floor and she quickly ran back over to the others who seemed to have spotted a few bodies themselves.

"There must have been a Death Eater attack here last night." Hermione said with a grim expression.

Ginny suddenly started running as fast as her pregnant stomach would allow her towards the small two story house on the corner that she knew was Ben and Embers. She wasn't even there yet when the tears started freely falling from her face as fear ran through her. She stopped in front of the porch and took in the busted handle to the front door and she felt her heart sink and her body start to shake. She was about to push open the front door when Draco grabbed her arm and pulled her back, gesturing for him to go first. He pulled out his wand and slowly pushed the door open that was already slightly ajar and took a few steps inside; he dropped his wand hand to his side and turned to Ginny with a grave look on his face.

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