Chapter 35

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The sound of her wailing babies brought Ginny's mind back enough to realize what had happened; the Dark magic she released scared her to death...... something she never thought she was capable of doing. She quickly shook her head of any guilt that may present itself and realized she didn't have time for that; she only had a moment to try and get her mind steady enough to get her babies somewhere safe. She suddenly realized the baby in her arms and a shiver ran down her spine and fear filled her eyes; she could never live with herself if she knew she had hurt one of her children.

She looked down at her daughter and stared into her crystal gray eyes; noticing how much she reminded her of Draco. Whenever she looked at her children, they made her feel stronger, but she knew they also seemed to stir up the evil within her. She glanced over to Draco's unconscious form for a moment and a frown spread across her face because she was scared to be alone with her children. She felt the entity trying to keep pulling her back so it could take over and every time she gained some kind of control over herself she tried to put the baby back in the bassinet. She managed to get as far as the armchair and quickly set the baby down there; she just wanted to get her out of her hands to further prolong any pain she might unwillingly cause her.

Her head was throbbing with unbearable pain; she just needed enough time to put distance between herself and her babies. She ran to Draco's side and shook him violently to wake up before she lost control again.

"DRACO! DRACO! PLEASE WAKE UP! PLEASE! YOU NEED TO WAKE UP! DRACO!" she screamed wildly; gently slapping his face.

He only lightly moved his head, but still remained almost completely out. She started to panic and she scrambled across the floor to the corner to try and get enough grip over herself to think of some kind of solution. Suddenly, her trembling lips and shaking body stopped and she stood up and a new kind of emotion filled her........ anger. She heard her poor babies crying for help, for someone to hold them and love them and this made her so angry that she couldn't be there for them.

"No more...... no more of this, I don't want to do this anymore." she whispered to herself; a taunting laugh ringing in her ears.

She closed her eyes to help steady her mind again, but she felt her body moving towards the kitchen drawer and before she knew it, she was holding a rather large kitchen knife in her hand. She tried to not panic because when she did this thing had more control over her. She couldn't help but think back to the morning she woke up from that horrid dream with this same knife in her bed and she let out a shaky breath and some unavoidable tears.

"I won't hurt them..... I won't...... please don't make me." she cried to herself as she walked closer towards Ember's cries.

She noticed Draco start to stir a bit more and she screamed to him. "DRACO! GET UP! PLEASE GET UP! DRACO!" she screamed at the top of her lungs as she stood before her wailing daughter.

Draco heard the screaming, but desperately tried to adjust his eyes to take in what was happening. He turned his head to see everyone else starting to come around, but they were all disoriented. He heard Ginny and suddenly everything came rushing back to him and he quickly sat up, but grabbed his head as a wave of pain hit him. He then saw Ginny standing over their child with a knife and he tried with everything in him to stand up, but he was finding it impossible as fear filled him. He saw her lift the knife in the air getting ready to plunge it down into the baby and his breath caught in his throat.

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