Chapter 22

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"It's fucking freezing out here." Ron mumbled, pulling his coat tighter around him.

"I think my nuts are literally ice cubes" George joked through chattering teeth.

"It's almost March and it's still snowing! How far north are we?" Ron asked Bill.

Bill picked up the map lying in front of him and studied it for a moment. "Let's just say more north than the Burrow was." he said throwing the map aside.

"Shit, how much longer do we need to watch them?" Ron asked, taking a look down on the Death Eater camp they had been watching for the past few days.

"Not sure........I've counted about 20 of them since we first started Ron?" Bill said.

"I got 20 also......George?"

"Yep the same."

"Alright, let's head back to camp and then plan the next move." Bill said as they packed their stakeout gear and headed back to camp.


"How long was I out for?"

"Just the rest of the night and this morning." Harry said, handing him a container of water.

Draco sat up and rubbed his head; it was still pounding from his Father's attack that came on last night. This was the third one he had since they had left home and Bill, Charlie and George already used the Hauriendum spell on him.

"We're running out of people to use." Draco joked suddenly.

"Ha, yeah.......we are."

"Shit its fucking snowing again?" he asked, getting up from the cot he had been passed out in.

"Yeah, they went to go take another look at the camp." Harry said peeking out of the tent. "Here they are now."

"Hey .....Oh good Draco, your up, you good?" Bill asked and Draco nodded. "Good, let's get the others up and I think tonight we will make a move. Our counts have been consistent so I think we could get a game plan going."

They all nodded.

"I'm gonna take a quick walk" Draco said to Harry and then left the tent.

He was immediately met with a freezing breeze against his face blowing his hair about. He walked for a few minutes before sitting down on a big boulder nearby. It had been almost two months since they had left home and he was missing Ginny more than he ever imagined he would. He closed his eyes and would remember that mental picture he took of her the day they left and how beautiful she had looked. He remembered the morning sun illuminating her fiery hair that gently blew over her face and her honey brown eyes that he missed staring into.

They had successfully infiltrated three other camps and this was their fourth one now. They had been watching it for about three days to see the activity going on so they could plan how to enter. The other three camps weren't too bad this one was the biggest one they had run into. The last camp they attacked, Ron had ended up breaking his wrist and Neville was unconscious for almost three days. He was so thankful that they all had managed to stay alive this long. Kingsley made it clear that they couldn't apparate or use a Port Key near the Death Eater camps so a lot of time was spent traveling. The weather was awful this far north and a fresh blanket of snow was covering the ground. Draco smirked to himself, knowing that the girls probably had green grass already growing around the house.

He let out a long sigh, thinking about when they would finally make it back home. Every time they thought they were about to head home Kingsley would give them another location to scout. They hadn't had any contact from them, just that they were ok from Kingsley and he got news that Ginny's first visit with the MediWizard went well and they were both healthy. Then of course Kingsley updated Arthur at the Ministry that the boys were ok. Some days he felt himself falling into a depressed state with how much he missed Ginny and he sometimes found it unbearable to deal with. He thought how Ginny was about three months pregnant now and the thought of missing out on so much was killing him inside.

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