Chapter 15

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A/N: I know you all are wanting to know more about Draco and Ginny's possible powers but I think its crucial to have them come about sporadically since they haven't learned to control them yet. =)

Molly and Arthur led Narcissa to stay in Charlie's room where they put a charm on the room so she couldn't get out. They would wait until the morning to question her. They made their way back downstairs to their beat up family. Ginny was looking at Draco sitting on the porch through the kitchen window. Her heart ached for him right now; she couldn't stomach the way Narcissa spoke to him like he was nothing more than dirt. She felt her eyes fill with tears and quickly wiped them away. She felt her mum and dad come up behind her and she buried her face in her dad's chest.

"Alright guys, let's go get cleaned up and get some rest. Kingsley and McGonagall will be here in the morning to question Narcissa." Arthur said to them, rubbing Ginny's back as she let her tears silently slide down her face.

They all started clearing out of the kitchen and headed upstairs.

"I think Draco could use a kind word dear," Molly said to her daughter with a small smile.

Ginny pulled back from her father's embrace and gave a nod, then made her way out the back door.

She closed the door and just stood there watching him.

"Hey," she said with a small voice.

He didn't say anything but got up and took a few steps into the field of snow and hung his head. She felt fresh tears fall down her face at how bad she felt for him.

"Draco?" she called to him with more emotion in her voice.

He just stood there, he wasn't sure if he was more hurt or angry at his mother.

Ginny quickly walked up behind him and grabbed him into a hug resting her head on his back and snaking her hands around his waist.

"Please don't listen to her, please Draco, don't let her get to you," she cried into his back.

He turned to face her and his eyes went straight to a cut on her face.

"You're bleeding," he said, lifting his hand to her cheek.

She winced in pain when he lightly touched it. "Yeah, it's from earlier in town."

"Are you alright?" he asked her noticing a small bruise on the other side of her face.

"Draco, I'm fine.....but you're not," she said and then noticed a giant welt mark on his cheek from where his mother hit him.

"Yeah.....but I will be," he said with a half smile.

He put his arm around her and they walked back inside together.


Draco was making his way back from the bathroom in the middle of night when he heard crying. He walked closer towards the sound and saw there was a dim light coming from down in the living room. He descended the stairs quietly and saw it was Hermione. She was sitting on the couch with her legs folded and her head in her hands. He thought of turning to leave, but something made him walk over to her. He sat down and looked into the small fire she started.

"You ok?" he asked softly.

She wiped her face, but it was soon covered in fresh tear again. "I can't sl.....sleep, every time I.....close eyes I.....see the b....blood," she cried harder at having to explain it.

He let out a light sigh.

"Taking a life is never easy, but you did what you needed to do to survive. Mrs. Weasley is right with what she told you earlier, you would be dead or sitting here crying over the death of one of your friends if you hadn't done what you did. Do you know what those men would have done to you if they had the chance? They deserved what they got even if you don't see that right now."

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