Chapter 12

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A/N: Here it is! This chapter is a longer one also. hope you like it. Please remember when reading that any small intimate moments between Draco and other characters I believe is important to have in the story. There will be more Ginny/Draco moments but I feel that its important to show you Draco's inner struggle throughout the story. PLEASE REVIEW!

The next day went by rather fast and consisted mostly of all the girls in the kitchen prepping for the holiday the following day. Draco spent most of the day in his room, but joined the guys for a game of Quidditch, which he was glad for; if there was one thing Draco enjoyed it was being on a broom. That night Ginny made another nightly visit into his bedroom and they just lay there and talked and he gave her another soft kiss Goodnight. Draco kept going back to the night he and Ginny had sex and as much as he loved it, he wouldn't try and initiate it again unless Ginny wanted to. He felt he was skating on thin ice with their relationship, well if you could call it that. Neither of them used the word love again since that night and he wasn't sure if he should or not. He knew he did love her and he hoped Ginny loved him too but did she still? He felt himself putting his walls up again and quickly decided to push all thoughts out of his head before he made things worse.

Draco woke up Thanksgiving morning extra early. He was sick of being in his room all day and decided to slip out into the yard to clear his mind. He sat on the steps of the back porch letting the cold weather hit his face. He heard the back door open and someone sat down next him.

"Looks like it's going to snow again," Luna said in a soft voice.

Draco just gave a light nod in agreement.

"I'm excited for the winter season to come, I find it to be one of the most beautiful times of the year, don't you think?"

"Yeah, I suppose so."

They sat there in silence for a while when Mrs. Weasley opened the back door and called to them.

"Ah, perfect, I could use some extra hands in the kitchen nice and early, come on you two."

Luna gave a small laugh and led the way into the kitchen. They took a seat at the table and Molly put all the ingredients of cookie baking down in front of them along with a recipe to follow.

"Now follow this recipe to a T and I'll get this turkey in the oven. No magic, homemade cookies taste much better as stated, HOMEMADE," Mrs. Weasley said sternly.

"Mrs. Weasley I've never made cookies in my life, in fact, I don't think I've ever made anything for myself before." Draco said honestly.

"No worries dear, there's a first time for everything, Luna can help you through it. Now go on, go on, get those hands dirty and start making some dough."

Luna read the recipe and Draco tried hard to follow along. About a half hour into it he found himself covered in flour and so was Luna, although not as bad as he was. They finally got their dough where it needed to be and were soon able to start forming cookies on a pan. Soon they were stuck in the oven and baked to perfection. They reloaded the tray with more cookies until they had a whole platter full.

"Alright, that's the last batch. Now you two want some more work to do, if not I better wake the other troops up." Mrs. Weasley said covering the cookies for tonight's dessert feast.

"I rather enjoy baking." Luna said.

"Sure, it's better than sitting up in my room all day I suppose." Draco joked

"Wonderful, let's get some potatoes peeled and cut then," Molly said, handing them a big bag of potatoes.

Luna peeled and Draco cut the potatoes. He had to be shown how to cut them to the right size to make them mashable later. He talked with Luna about her father and the Quibbler and what she did during the summer break. Soon the others started waking up one by one and stumbled into the kitchen. Ginny walked in and was surprised to see Draco sitting there deep in conversation with Luna and her mum; not to mention the fact that he was covered in flour and knee deep in potatoes.

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