Chapter 37

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She let out a shaky breath and shook her hands to get out any nerves she had, but no matter how hard she tried, they weren't going to be subsiding anytime soon. She was nauseous from the possible outcome of the entire thing and dared not to shed any tears....... not now...... she had to be strong now and remain focused.

"Gin? They're getting ready to take it down." Ron said softly from her bedroom doorway.

She gave a small nod and let out another shaky breath before heading downstairs to join the others. She stopped in the kitchen and got a glass of water and took a few small sips, trying to calm the somersaults her stomach was doing.

"Hey Gin, you coming?" Harry asked, getting ready to head outside.

She gave a small nod and took another sip of water and a few more deep breaths to help steady her racing heart.

"You ok?" he asked, walking over to her.

"Yeah, my stomach is just in knots is all."

"Well, I suppose it could be worse...... you could be throwing up like Neville was doing earlier." he said with a slight grin.

The corners of Ginny's mouth turned into a slight smile. "It's not too late for that to happen."

"Come on, they're waiting." he said, putting his arm around her and leading her out to the back porch.

They moved through the crowd of people outside; many of which were members Kingsley had recruited to fight in the battle and had arrived shortly after she woke up this morning. It was driving her crazy being surrounded by so many people, especially when all any of them talked about was the battle awaiting them. She understood why the topic was so popular, but it just kept making her think of Scorpius and Ember.

"Hiya Harry...... Ginny, hope yer doin well this evenin."

"Hey Hagrid" Harry said, before getting lost in a conversation with him.

Ginny gave a small smile and then casually made her way out of the conversation and went to look for Draco. She gave up looking for him after a few moments and tried to just find a quiet spot where people weren't asking how she was doing or about the twins. She was already nervous about them getting ready to take the ward down and being bombarded with questions wasn't helping any. She finally made her way over to Malini's car and slipped into the back seat and closed the door; enjoying the peace and quiet.


She jumped in surprise when she saw Draco's head pop up from the front seat.

"You scared me! I was looking for you, but I needed a break from the crowd......... I see you did too." she said, giving him a sad smile.

He climbed over the front seat and joined her in the back and put his arm around her. They sat there just enjoying the quiet for a while and saw Kingsley, Arthur and McGonagall getting ready to remove the ward. Ginny turned her attention to the setting sun on the other side of her and let out a light sigh.

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