Chapter 32

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After Ginny and Draco spent some much needed time together with their son and daughter the rest of the morning and most of the afternoon consisted of Molly and Narcissa talking about wedding plans. Draco just smirked and shook his head as he watched Ginny's head snapping back and forth between the two women throwing out idea after idea. He knew it was just a matter of time before Ginny snapped and then sure enough, he saw her stand suddenly from the table and excuse herself. Draco followed her a few minutes later to give her some time to clear her head and then found her sitting on the back porch steps.

"Mind if I join you?" he asked.

She just gave a small smile. "You know I don't."

"I know, but still, your a Weasley and you never know when a Weasley might snap." he teased, taking a seat beside her.

"If I had a galleon for every time I heard the word Weasley out of your mouth these past few days....... I might be richer than the Malfoy family." she laughed, absent-mindedly playing with the newly placed ring on her finger.

"Having second thoughts?" Draco asked her, noticing her playing with the ring and looking out into the field.

"Oh, of course not...... it's just..... I can't stop thinking about how horrible you were to me these past few days and then all of a sudden I'm engaged to you." she said with a sigh.

He scooted closer to her and took her hand in his and leaned forward to get a better look at her face. "I'm really sorry Ginny...... I'm sure I must have said some awful things....... I wish I could take them back." he said; a look of guilt on his face.

Ginny looked at him; she shouldn't be making him feel bad, she knew he didn't mean those things.... well, that this Draco didn't anyway.

"I'm just happy you're back to yourself, and since you are rather a handsome bloke, I suppose I can forgive you." she teased, playfully nudging him with her knee and making him give her a small smile. "As long as you don't try to hit or kill me again, then I think we can forget about this whole thing." she giggled and looked at him.

His smile suddenly faded and he looked at her confused. "What did you just say?"

"I said as long as you don't try to hit or kill me again, then-"

"Again? What do you mean again?" he said, standing up suddenly and looked at her with wide eyes.

"You mean..... you don't remember?" she asked, her smile also fading.

"I remember some things, like some of the stuff I said, but everything else is sort of a blur...... Ginny, please tell me I didn't hurt you." he looked at her with pleading eyes.

She looked away from him quickly; the last thing she wanted was for Draco to have any remorse or guilt about what happened. He had been through a lot..... they both had and she didn't want to ruin how things were between them now.

"No.... of course not, you didn't hurt me..... it was nothing. Just forget it Draco, come on, let's go back inside." She said, getting up and turned to walk away when he grabbed her arm and stopped her suddenly.

"NO! Ginny look at me..... did I hurt you?" he demanded.

Ginny quickly glanced up into his eyes, but she couldn't lock hers with his and lie to him so she looked away again. "No you didn't...... I was just.... teasing." she quickly thought of something to sound believable.

"You're lying," he whispered, letting go of her arm and stood there with a look of disbelief on his face.

"Draco, please don't make this more than it has to be.... I'm fine, there's nothing-"

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