Chapter 5

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The next morning Ginny woke up and lay in bed for a good hour before she got up. She thought about everything that happened since she got on the train to Hogwarts. It was only her third day here and she had been through more emotional and physical trauma then one could take. She was angry at first about Draco telling the trio, but she actually felt a bit better now that they knew but she was scared for her family now. Not that anyone actually came forward and accused Warren of anything yet, but when it finally did come about she knew she would have to fear for her family's lives and her own. She quickly showered and got dressed and made her way to the Great Hall for breakfast. She sat down with Harry, Ron, and Hermione, who all looked at her with sadness in their eyes.

"Guys, please don't do this, please act normal, because I'm just going to feel weird if you stare at me and treat me like a fragile child," she said putting some food on her plate.

"Sorry Ginny, I think we are all just still a bit surprised and well, we're worried about you, worried about how this is going to play out," Hermione said taking Ron's hand in her own.

"I know, and I am too; hopefully when we meet Malfoy for lunch we can come up with a plan," she said, taking a bite of toast.

"I haven't even seen him this morning yet," Harry said, looking around the Great Hall in case he may have missed him.

"Well, being late seems to be his routine lately," Ginny said, taking a sip of juice.

"Do you think we should send mom and dad a letter Ginny, about what happened?" asked Ron sounding a bit nervous.

"NO! Definitely not, not yet anyway, this is the last thing they need to hear right now" she said pleadingly.

He nodded at her and they finished breakfast. They all headed to potions with Slughorn where Draco still never showed up. The first two days he was late for potions and now he doesn't show up at all, he must not be on Slughorn's good side Ginny joked to herself. They made their way to charms with Flitwick next and still Draco didn't show up; Ginny was starting to get a bit worried, although why was she worried about Draco? It's not like she cared about him or anything, she couldn't stomach him.......right? She refused to let her thoughts take into another world and turned to Harry. "Well it's lunch time and he's still nowhere to be found, should we just assume to go to his dorm?"

"Yeah, I guess lets head down there and see what's up."

Walking down to the dungeons, all Ginny could think about was their Defense against the Dark Arts class that was in a little while. She had a sour stomach just thinking of seeing Warren's face again. She wanted to be as far away as possible from him when she got to class, but she knew he would maneuver his way over to her. The good thing though is she knew he wasn't stupid enough to try anything in a room full of students, at least she thought anyway. They finally reached the Head boy dorm door and Harry gave a few knocks. ........No answer.

He looked at the rest of them and then gave another knock this time calling out "MALFOY?"

"I'm going to kill him if he set us up as a part of some plan," Ron said angrily

"Ron, please stop it, you're always over thinking everything," Ginny spat

Harry pounded again on the door in another attempt to try and get Malfoy's attention if he was even in his dorm.

Draco eyes eased open, his vision blurry, his body sore and his head pounding. Where was he? He opened his eyes a bit more trying to better adjust his vision when he saw underneath his bed. Was he on the floor? He blinked a few more times before he realized that he was in his dorm room on the hardwood floor between the bed and the couch. He tried to move, but his body ached so badly, every joint was screaming in pain. His mind went back to last night when his father pulled one of his mind games on him performed the Cruciatus curse on him. He had a feeling it was coming when he felt a light burning where his Dark Mark was and a slight headache which is usually what happens right before his father invades his mind. This was a bad episode, but definitely not the worst. He lost consciousness after a while and was just now coming around. What time was it? He thought to himself.

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