Chapter 38

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Ginny's lungs were on fire and her head was in a whirlwind; not knowing if she was falling, rolling, flipping or standing up with how much her body was constantly moving. All she was trying to do was stay alive and every time she tried to find steady ground, she was being knocked down by a Death Eater or pulled back up by one of her brothers. She fell to the ground with a Death Eater on top of her and a blade pressed against her throat and then he fell limp as a deadly curse hit him from the back. She pulled herself from under his body and saw McGonagall give her a quick nod before getting lost in another duel.

Ginny stopped for a moment and finally caught a glimpse of her Father a few feet ahead of her and made her way over. She grabbed a wand off of a body on the ground and sent a Reducto spell out at one of the Death Eaters her Father had been dueling. She felt a hand collide with her face and she stumbled to the ground and tasted blood in her mouth and turned to see the foot of a man coming towards her face when she grabbed his ankle and pulled him to the ground. She punched him as hard as she could in the head and then placed her hand over his mouth and released a ball of fire inside of it. She jumped off the man to watch him burn alive from the inside out and turn into nothing more than a pile of ashes that blew about all around her.

She suddenly thought she heard her name faintly in the distance and went to turn to find where it came from. As she looked out across the field she saw Draco on the ground and she went to make a sprint towards him when she felt a spell hit her in the back and bring her to her knees. She felt the familiar stinging from the disabling charm she had gotten used to from how many times it was used on her and she quickly turned and saw Lucius standing a few feet away from her; his wand pointed at her. She quickly got up and went to make a run for it when he threw a binding charm around her that brought her to her knees again and her hands tightly to her side.

" fast." he said with a smile of victory on his face.

Ginny felt a shudder run through her at the way he eyed her up and down, as if he had finally found some long lost treasure. She watched him walk closer to her; his wand still drawn and she quickly looked around her to see if there was any help in sight, but there wasn't. She saw her Father trying to make it to her, screaming her name out, but he was outnumbered by Death Eaters. She saw McGonagall helping Luna up from the ground and Charlie slumped against a nearby tree. She didn't know where anyone else was, all she knew was she was trembling with fear.

"I'm going to enjoy killing you, especially after all the trouble you've caused me.......finally I can put an end to your disgusting Muggle loving family." he drawled with such hatred.

Ginny lifted her head to see him lift his wand higher and saw it come down towards her and she prepared for the deadly blow to hit her.

Across the field Draco pulled himself up from the ground and started off at a fast walk in Ginny's direction until his feet and legs were finally allowed him to break out into a run. He tried with everything in him to fight off the disabling charm his Father placed on him, but it was no use, all he saw was Ginny fall to the ground and be bound and his heart sank. He barreled across the field as fast as he could and he saw his Father raise his wand to finish her off. Draco knew he wasn't going to make it in time, there was just no way........ he was too far still, but he kept running anyway. His lungs burned with how hard he pushed his body and every time his foot hit the earth he pushed off of it with such force to propel himself as far as he could.

Ginny's eyes were squeezed shut as she waited for death to take her, but just as she heard the spell leave Lucius' wand, she felt someone jump in front of her. She opened her eyes to see Narcissa standing in front of her with her protection charm around them. She couldn't help but let out a slight laugh of relief at how close she came to dying and watched Narcissa continue to hold up the charm as her fiery hair blew wildly around her.

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