Chapter 34

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She let out a loud gasp as she tried to desperately search for some kind of air to fill her lungs. She sat up and looked all around the dark room and tried to calm her rapid breathing and wiped the sweat and tears from her face. It looked like she was in Draco's room, but it was so much darker then she remembered; the corners of the room were pitch black and she felt like someone was there with her. Her body trembled in fear and she tried to steady herself enough to stand up and it was when she tried moving that she realized how sore her body was and she glanced down to her arms. There were bandages around them and bruises all over her; she frantically tried to think back to what happened. She heard movement across the room that caused her to jump and take a few steps back; her heart was racing so fast that it became painful.

"Dr.....Draco?" she called out, hoping it was somehow him.

When she didn't hear a response she let out a whimper and slid to the floor in a frightened ball and hugged her knees to her chest. She closed her eyes for a moment; hoping it was all just a bad nightmare and then slowly opened them again and her breath caught in her throat at the sight before her. She was standing in the chamber of secrets suddenly and she quickly closed her eyes again and buried her face in her knees. She was so scared she thought she would be sick at any moment, even the smell of the room changed to the smell of the chamber that she never did forget.

"This isn't real," she kept whispering to herself through her tears.

She heard footsteps coming closer to her and she slowly looked up to see her sitting back in Draco's room, but this time there was indeed a figure standing above her. It stepped forward and knelt down before her and flashed a menacing smile. Ginny's body completely froze when she saw Warren only inches away from her and he suddenly reached out to grab her, causing a blood curdling scream to erupt from her mouth.


Draco's eyes snapped open at the sound of Ginny's screams filling the house and he jumped up from the couch that he had fallen asleep on and took the steps two at a time up to his room. He wasn't the only one that heard the screaming, apparently at seeing the hallway full of people running towards his room also. He went to go open the door to see if she was ok, but he stopped himself and thought about it for a moment; she could very well be tricking him again like all the other times. He pulled out his wand and kept fighting with himself about whether he should open the door or not; he glanced at the others to read their expressions and they all seemed as hesitant as he was. He jumped back suddenly when he heard what he assumed was Ginny's body hitting the door and banging on it wildly; trying to open the doorknob and screaming for them to let her out.

"HELP ME! PLEASE LET ME OUT OF HERE! OPEN THE DOOR, PLEASE!" she screamed on top of her lungs.

Ginny's fists were bleeding from how hard she was pounding on the door to get out and she tried with all her might to break down the door. She kept feeling herself being tugged backwards away from the door by whatever evilness was trying to get back inside her. Her throat burned from the piercing screams she continuously let out.

"I'm opening it" Draco said, after hearing her heart wrenching pleas for help.

He barely got the door unlocked when he felt Ginny collide right into him; her nails digging into him as she clung to him with a deadly grip. She didn't even look at him, instead she whipped her head around to still see the dark figure coming closer to her and she went to make a run for it when Draco pulled her back.

"Hey, are you ok?" he studied her closely, but she was hysterical and kept urging him to move away from the room away from the darkness that waited for her. "Ginny, you need to stay in there." he said to her calmly.

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