Arkham Lockdown

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batman was making his way through the hallway of the asylum as he could hear inmates getting out of their cell and causing mayhem, after batman got closer to the patient pacification chamber he stops and clicks his earpiece to get in contact with (Y/N) who was sitting in the Batcave with her friend barbara Gordon. as they were talking the computer started beeping, (Y/N) wheeled her chair towards the computer desk, grabbed her headset and chicks the keypad as she hears her father's voice, " (Y/N), can you hear me?" batman asked, " loud and clear, dad. what's up?" (Y/N) asked, " joker's escaped custody. he's running free in Arkham" batman replied as barbara hears this and wheels her wheelchair towards the desk next to (Y/N), " do you need anything?" (Y/N) asked, but the barbara cuts in, " wait, is my dad still there?" she asked. " commissioner Gordon is safe. joker's not far ahead. i'll stay in contact." bruce replied as he started walking into the patient pacification chamber, where he saw some officer trying to confice Zsasz to let one of their own crew members go, batman walked up to a officer who sighs in relief before turning to  him, " thank god! it's zsasz. he's got mike. he's strapped in the chair, zsasz has totally lost it" the officer said as batman looked through the electric gate where he could see zsasz holding a officer hostage in a electric chair, " wait here" he said to the officer but the man stopped him in his track saying, " you can't! he'll kill mike if he sees anyone trying to get close" batman just looked at zsasz again before saying, " he won't see me". he then began to walk up the stairs the leads to a balcony above the electric chair, as he looks down at him he hears zsasz say, " i see anything that looks even a little bit like a bat and this guard dies. do you hear me?" zsasz threatens as batman grappled up to a gargoyle making him hide in the shadows. 

he jumped down and silently sneaks behind zsasz before taking him out, after he dealt with zsasz, batman walked up to the door panel and lowers the electric gate letting the guards in to help their friend, " someone put this animal back in his cell" an officer said before they dragged zsasz away, but then tv screen on the wall turns on to show Harley Quinn adjusting a camera, " can ya hear me? is this thing on?" she asked before taking a step back " oh. hi ya b-man! Harley Quinn, here. how do you like my new uniform? pretty hot, huh? oh, I got something to show you. one second, b-man" she said before walking out of the frame. then warden sharp was pushed into the frame as he was tied up to a chair and gagged with duck tape, " ta-da!" Harley Quinn said as she walked back into the frame next to sharp "I'm subbing for the old man. old sharpei's never been happier, in case ya ain't figured it out, today's the joker's big homecoming and you're the guest of honor" Quinn said, " you have on chance to surrender, Quinn" batman said but Harley wasn't going to give up that easily, " temping bats, but no dice. now the inmates are running the asylum. well, technically they're joker's goons shipped in from black gate, but you get the idea. bye-bye, for now" Harley said before she hits the camera with sharp's cane making the screen go black. 

" dad?!" (Y/N) said making batman click his earpiece, " (Y/N), I'm here " she replied, but the catlin's voice was heard as she stood next to her daughter with another headset," bruce! Arkham asylum just vanished off the network, are you alright?" she asked in concern. " I'm okay. he's in control of the security system. he's probably isolated it from the grid" batman replied, " that's not all he's done, dad. all police feeds are reporting he's placed bombs all over Gotham. says he'll detonate them if anyone sets foot on Arkham island" (Y/N) said as catlin nodded her head, " it's  being suppressed at the moment, but the story will be break any time now" catlin said as batman knew joker was lying, " he's lying. it's just a diversion to keep people away" he said, (Y/N) looked at her mother in a confused look before asking her dad, " how do you know?" "I know him" batman replied before looking around the room for a way out, he then saw a vent that leads out of the room. he removes the vents hatch and crawled through the vents as he hears an officer say " there's a way out, batman found a way out". as batman was crawling through the vents, (Y/N) said, " Dad, I'm patching you into the guard radio feed" batman nodded his head as he hears the radio feed on the guards, " steve, more Blackgate prisoners, by the boiler." a guard said, " who's that behind them? oh my god, it's joker. he's free. how'd he break out?!" another guard asked before the guard radio went silent. !" sorry, the feed's down. comms are up and down like crazy. it's not good, I'll keep trying" (Y/N) said as she started typing on her computer. 

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