Final Battle

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batman and nightingale started to make their way to the cell block as music was playing in the speakers. they made it to the entrance of the cell block building where they saw some of jokers thug standing outside with a party hat on their head. once thug had a guest list and said, " guest list. let's see A, no. that's not right. B... B....  Bane.... ah here it is, batman. and his plus one: nightingale. hey! looks like you're the guest of honor. give him a big welcome, guys" batman and nightingale looked at each other before they both walked into the building to see some thugs in party hats clapping for them. nightingale looks at batman and nods as they both began to knock them out. after the thugs were dealt with, batman and nightingale walked into the visiting room where they saw it was empty, " where is everyone?" nightingale asks before batman taps her shoulder, " what?" she asks. he looks ahead to see some kind of joker figure sitting in a chair with tv for ahead. they walked closer to it, then joker appears on the screen, " are you excited, bats? I mean, we've been building up to this point all night. don't tell me you've not been looking forward to it. I know I have. " joker said. then joker takes off the tv from his head to see it was the real joker, " surprise!" he said. joker stood up with the tv in his hand and said, " everyone always said should be on television. you don't want to miss this. really. it'll be a blast. " then joker placed the tv on the chair, as nightingale and batman slowly took a step back as joker started to count backward and walk away, " 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5,4, 3, 2, 1!" then BOOM!. an explosion knocks both, batman and nightingale out for a few seconds. batman opens his eyes a ringing sound was heard, he slowly stood up and looked around to see nightingale on the ground. he crawled towards her and made sure she was okay. nightingale lets out a groan as she wakes up, " you okay?" she asks her husband as she slowly stood up. " yeah. I'm fine, come on" batman said as he leads nightingale into the main cell block where they saw joker sitting on a throne on a pile of junk and wire wrapped around the tone like a barricade. joker had a wooden puppet on his knee as he spoke to it, " why didn't you stop batman?" joker said. as batman was walking closer to joker, a thug charged at him but batman knocked him out a he kept walking alongside nightingale. " me? it was your plan, you goofy clown!" joker said in a high voice as he made the puppet's mouth open and close. another thug charged at nightingale, but she grabbed his arm and twisted it knocking him out. " ahhh, I'm sending you back to the ventriloquist where you belong" joker said as he stood up throws the doll on the ground before sitting back down on his throne as titan monster came out of its cage to attack batman, but the chain that was around its neck stopped it. batman and nightingale didn't flinch as the titan monster growls before going back in its cage. 

" you had to spoil everything, didn't you? beating up bane. feeding scarecrow to croc, slapping around Harley-- my hobby, by the way-- and ruining all my lovely venom plants" joker said as he stood up. " it's over joker." batman replied. joker lets out a sinister chuckle as he said, " over? why, my dear delusional dark knight. it hasn't even begun" then joker pulled leaver and it released two titan monsters from its chains. batman and nightingale took a step back before the monster charged at them, they both jumped out of the way. batman was dealing with one of the titan monsters by missing the attacks before jumping on its back and making it hit the wall knocking it out. he jumped off the monster before it hit the ground. then he looks at nightingale who was missing the attack before she punched it in the face before smashing its head down knocking it out before turning to her husband and smiled. then they hear silent clapping as they both looked at joker, " nicely done, bats and birdie. you both deserve a prize. your old pal, commissioner Gordon." joker said as Gordon dropped down from the ceiling and was tied up as he was hanging above them, " Gordon!" nightingale said in shock as she looked at the officer, " say, he looks all run-down. let's pep him up" joker said as he got out a gun and aimed it at Gordon, joker fired the gun but before the dark hits Gordon batman jumped in the way and the dart hits him. " batman!" Gordon yelled out as batman hits the ground in pain. " no!" nightingale called out as she goes to batman and pulled the dart out of his chest. batman groans in pain as he could feel the venom flowing through his veins and tried to change him, " stay away" he said to nightingale before pushing her away before slamming her fist on the ground. 

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