The Past

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batman walks out of the library and started walking down the hallway, but then the room around him started to go black, then he heard voices that were from his past. " I can't believe you insisted on sitting through that movie again, bruce. come one, we'll be late for Alfred." a man said, " I'm sorry, daddy" a young boy said in an apologetic tone, " go easy on him. he loved it so. Alfred will wait. keep up bruce" a woman said. then a flash of lightning struck and batman found himself in a hallway of Gotham, rain was coming down hard as batman kept walking down the street his heart was beating out of his chest with fear. " where are you taking us?" the women asks, " we can cut through here" the man said, but the women weren't so sure about it, " but it's starting to rain. bruce is tired. can't we just wait for him here?" the women asks but the man shakes his head and said, " come on, keep up. we're nearly there". batman knew what this was and that's when he hears it happen, " hold it there, lady" a low voice said as a cock of a gun was heard, " oh god!" the women said in fear, " please. there's no need for this" the man said in a calm tone. " stay where you are. I'll shoot" the low voice said, " I'll give you whatever you want" the mans said but it was too late, a gunshot was heard and batman felt a pain in his chest before he stumbled to the ground. " daddy!" the boy cried out, " tom. oh god, of god tom!" the women cried out.  batman stood back up as he held his rips as he kept walking as he hears the voices again, " be quiet, lady. just shut up, give me the pearls" the low voice said. " stay away from me. run, bruce" she cried out but then there was a second gunshot. " mommy" the young 8-year-old bruce cried out, batman stumbled to the ground again and then looks to see the bodies of his parents inform of him. then the room went black, batman tries to calm his heartbeat but the pain of losing his parents was so hard for him to remember. but then a bright light shines in front of him, batman looks up to see a door in front of him in the distance, he slowly stood up and started walking towards it when he hears more voices, " c'mon, kid, this way. take a seat in my office. is he ok?" a man asks his co-workers, " he'll be fine. kid like that, with all that money. he'll be just fine" the co-worker said, " shut up, now! he's 8 years old and all alone. money won't fix that" that man said in anger. the co-worker scoffs as he said, " whatever you say, Gordon. his butler's on his way to pick him up. you hear that? he's got a butler" then footstep was hear fading away as the man sighs before turning to the young boy, " I'm sorry about that. I just need to ask you some questions, can I get you anything? you okay?" Gordon asks, but the bot was silent as he silently cries. " I know you don't feel like answering me, but it's the only way to catch who did this" Gordon said, the boy lets out a small cry as he asks, " why did he do it, officer? why?" the little bruce asks, " I don't know, it's this city. there's something wrong with it, and listen, call me him," Gordon said. and as batman walks through the door he was blinded by a flash of bright light. as the light vanishes, batman saw his surroundings to see the world around him had cracked as he hears a high sinister laugh as it rings in his ear, he then his behind a wall as he saw scarecrow look over to try and see him, as he eyes beamed a yellow light that burned the floor where he looked before moving away. batman remembered the last time he faced scarecrow, he looks above him and saw the bat-signal above him in front of him, he started to sneak by scarecrow but when he exploded a weak wall, it alerts scarecrow, " what was that?" scarecrow asks himself as he looked around the small area where the sound was heard, but he couldn't find batman. 

batman sneaks past scarecrow before grappling up to the bat signal, he started to move it to face scarecrow, crane hears batman and was about to crush him but the light of the bat signal hits him and a bright light blinds them both. once batman opens his eyes, he saw that he was in the clock tower of the Arkham mansion above the main hall, he takes a breath before he hears joker's voice on the speakers, " hello. has anyone seen the bat? c'mon, someone must have seen where he went! big scary man? wears a cape? jumps out of the shadows and beats up useless thugs? anyone? no? good." joker said.  batman looked around trying to think of a way to get out of the clock tower," zsasz has dr. young rapped in the warden's office. I've got to get out here" batman said to himself before he saw the rope that was hanging the bell was about to break. Batman throws a Batarang at the rope, it slices the rope in two before the bell fell into the main wall as It hits the ground, the sound of the bell rang around the mansion. 

batman lowered himself gently down to the main hall with his grappling hook, once his feet hit the ground he took off towards the warden's office. once he was about to walk through the door to the office, joker's face came on the tv on the wall, " oh, there you are" joker said, batman stops and looked up at the screen " I've been waiting for you. listening to zsasz make the good doctor scream while you played around in scarecrows world. how was it this time? learn anything yourself? oh, tell me. pull up a seat. talk to me. I'm all ears. actually, that reminds me. I could've sworn I heard zsasz cutting her ears off. certainly sounded like it" joker said as he lets out a laugh. 

batman then ran into the room to see zsasz had dr. young with a knife to her throat, " stay where you are, batman! listen to me carefully" zsaz said as he dragged dr. young into the office as she begged for help, " help me! please, somebody help me!" dr. young called out. batman takes cover in the doorway as he listens to zsasz, " come any closer and I'll paint the room crimson with her blood" zsasz said as batman slowly got out a Batarang, " I know you're still out there. won't be long and you'll have her final song" zsasz said as joker came on the v screen and said, " zsasz, what are you talking about? just kill her, she's useless to me now" zsasz turns to face the screen with his knife still at the doctor's throat, " but if I kill her, the bat will get me!" zsasz said in fear, " you're not scared of a little bat, are you, slicey?" joker asks. this makes zsasz pull dr. young back more as he hears something in the shadows, " stay back, batman! I mean it!" he said but then a woman in black armor a mask covering her eyes and a small cape on her back, jump out of the shadows and kicked zsasz down as batman knicked him out. dr. young was out of zsasz's hold and started hitting his chest in anger, " you monster! you evil, evil monster!" she said in anger as tears fell down her eyes, batman turns to the shadow women and saw it was his partner in crime, nightingale. 

" thought you need my help," she said as she walks to doctor young. doctor young looks up at her as she tried to stop her tears, " he's not going anywhere. you can stop now" nightingale said as she helps the doctor up as dr. young whispers out, " sorry, I'm sorry". batman then walks up and said, "I saw bane" nightingale looked confused as dr. young started to explain, "I know... i.... joker threatened me. I wanted to stop the experiment. I tried to give him his money back," she said, " joker doesn't take no for an answer," nightingale said. " he wants an army. a horrible twisted force to destroy Gotham. but he couldn't do it without the formula. I hid it, but...." " so now he has venom, and your formula," batman said before dr. young went towards a painting on the wall as she said, " god. he has gallons of the stuff. there's a lab, hidden in the gardens. it's locked off, but the security key codes for the entire island are in the warden's safe" as dr. young was moving the painting away from the wall, nightingale stood next to batman as she asks, " what else is joker planning?". dr. young turns to the heroes as she opens the safe, " how should I know? you think anything he says make sense? I think he's insane..." dr. young said as she moved the painting full away from the wall to reveal a safe with a painted joker face on it, it makes a noise, making dr. young jump back, " oh my god" " get out of the way!" batman yelled out before a bomb goes off killing dr. young, throwing nightingale onto the wall knocking her out, and also knocking batman out leaving them in darkness. 

* note - nightingale's new outfit is above *

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