Toxic Water/ Poison Ivy

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Nightingale and batman made it to the main sewer junction and saw that the sewer water is now bright green and some of poison ivy's veins were spread around the room, " (Y/N), we've got another problem" batman said in his earpiece. (Y/N) sighs in frustration before saying, " what now?! two faces? riddler? some kind of giant joker robot?!" batman shakes his head as he said, " unfortunately, nothing that simple. we're at the main sewer junction and it appears to be polluted with titan. why? what's he doing now?" " I'll look into it" (Y/N) replied before getting to work on the computer. 

as batman and nightingale started to climb up the top of the room, they step in the green water to see it wasn't affecting their suit, " the titan water seems to be corrosive, but it shouldn't trouble the suit. what have you found out?" nightingale asks his daughter, " I'm not sure you're ready for this." (Y/N) said in concern before her farther said, " no, but go ahead". "joker's pumping all the waste product from the titan process into the chamber. it acts as a kind of natural storage tank. once it's full, I release the water into the Gotham River. normally it's safe, but..." " but this time it's full of titan. how do we stop it?" nightingale asks " I'm working on it (Y/N) replied as nightingale and batman climbed up until she was under the pump control room, " okay, according to the plans I have on file. there are three control rooms. the first is directly above you. " (Y/N) replied, " we'll shut them down," batman said as he and nightingale grappled up to the pump control room as (Y/N) asks, " what will happen if this titan stuff reaches Gotham?" " it won't reach Gotham" 

as they climbed into the pump control room joker appears on the tv screen on the wall, " hellooooooooooooooo! can you hear me? for the love of..... I suppose that's you in there, bats. and I hear you have your little love bat with you. well, you both enjoy it while you can. these caves will be your tomb." joker said before the screen went black. " we need to shut these pumps down, I'll take one you take another then we both take the last one." nightingale said as batman nodded his head before they both walked into the pressure control junction and saw some of jokers thugs. they took them out before going their separate ways. 

nightingale made It to the first control room and saw some thugs looking around the room for her. she hid in the shadow as she took them out one by one, as she was taking a thug out silently joker came on the speakers, " hey. boys. you remember the plan to flood Gotham with millions of gallons of poisonous waste? good! thing is, batman and nightingale's trying to stop it. I have faith that you're the ones to stop them. and if you don't faith is going have a nasty accident." joker said. nightingale shakes her head before taking out another thug, but as he was dealing with that thug, another came round the corner but before he could call out to him crew nightingale used her grappled up to pull him towards her and took him out. after she took out the thugs, joker's voice came on the speakers and said, "I said I wanted them stopped. did no one listen? it's like you don't want an outbreak of titan-enhanced mutant babies climbing over Gotham." nightingale found the first pump and destroyed it, " that's one pump done" she said to (Y/N), " that's good, dad how are you doing?" (Y/N) asks. 

meanwhile, in the other pump room, batman was fighting some thugs as he hears his daughter's voice, " I'm a bit busy" he said before punching a thug in the face. " you do not listen to me, I said stop him but you let them through. try harder or I'll... I'll... I'll hurt you. badly." joker said in the speakers as nightingale ran to the control room where batman was fighting the thugs. she jumped down from her hiding place and landed on a thug making batman turn to her, " took your time" he said to her before he kept fighting the thugs, " they're making you look stupid. which admittedly isn't that hard to do. but it is not why I put down there" joker said on the speakers as nightingale kicked a thug in the face before batman punched the thus in the face knocking him out. but then a thug grabs nightingale from behind, she flipped over the thug and then knocked the thug out but hitting his head on the wall, " Is that clear? do you want me to send Harley, oh, damn.... she's locked up. do you want me to come down there?" joker said before nightingale and batman punched the last thug together. batman then hack the pump, shutting it down. " that's the second one." batman said to nightingale before they both walked into the pressure control junction room when all the security doors were activated. they were trapped. 

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