Medical foyar

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batman made it outside to the east wing of the asylum to see some guards had made a small base camp there, but then as batman landed on the ground below he hears joker's voice, not he speakers again, " hmm. Harley tells me that batman's car is still parked just outside of the intensive treatment building. now, we can't just let him up and leave us, can we? every thug, villain, murderer, and kindergarten teacher that isn't carrying out party orders should head there now and smash it to pieces" joker said, batman, sighs before he hears the Batmobile sensor go off on his glove, he clicks it to see the screen show him the alarm. 

warning: batmobile sensor alert 

batman clicks his earpiece and said, " (Y/N), disable the batmobile's countermeasure system" " I saw the alert, what's wrong? where are you?" she asked as batman looked around his surroundings. " I'm outside the Arkham mansion. Harley Quinn probably triggered the alarm. if she's still got Gordon with her, he could get hurt" batman said, (Y/N) kept trying on the computer before she finished and said, " ok, done. the Batmobile is still packed up outside the intensive treatment building in Arkham north. I've sent you the schematics for the entire island" (Y/N) said making batman nodded, " good work, (Y/N)" he said.  he started to make his way to Arkham north, once he made it there, he saw some thugs breaking the Batmobile with iron pipes and kicking it. Batman takes out a Batarang and throws it at a thug making him fall to the ground before he punches another thug and started to fight as the thugs tried to take a swing at him with iron pipes. then joker's voice was heard again on the speakers as batman kept fighting, " the entire island will soon be under my control. that's right, boy's and girls. mine, mine, mine, mine, mine, mine! just wait till you see my plans for this place. it's going to be glorious". joker said in a sinister tone as batman finished off the last thug before looking at the car. 

he saw the damage they had caused and sighs, " Harley trashed the car. looks like there was a scuffle. I need to search the area around the Batmobile, there could be a clue as to where she took Gordon" he said to himself before activating detective mode and scanning the area around the car. as he looks around the area he hears a small crunch under his feet, he looks down and saw a pipe on the ground, he scans it. 

Evidence scanner - nictine: 1.18% 

                                        tobacco: 98.92%

" wild country! gordon's favorite tobacco. gordon's smarter than he looks. left me a trail to follow." batman said before he clicks his earpiece, " (Y/N), I found a pipe. it has Gordon's initials carved on it", Barabara hears this and said, " It was a birthday gift I gave him last year. there's no way he'd leave it" " exactly. he's left me a trail to follow, he's alive barbara!" batman said making both (Y/N) and barbara smile at each other, " okay, follow the trail. let me know when you find him". Batman nodded his head before he followed the trail, (Y/N) smiles as she looked at barbara who had a sad look on her face, " hey, barbara. don't worry, my dad will find him. I promise" (Y/N) said. barbara nodded her head before she kept watching her dad's body camera. batman followed the trail and ended up at the medical foyer building, he walks inside to see Harley Quinn sitting in a chair with her feet up on a desk, but the electric barrier was blocking him from getting through, " hey! scam, bats! this is my me time" Harley said as she looked at batman. " where's Gordon?" he asks her, " wouldn't you like to know?" Harley said but then Gordon's voice was heard from the far corner of the room, " I'm over here" he called out. " shut up!" Harley replied before throwing a mug at him. batman hears the mug shatter as it hits Gordon who gives out a gasp of pain before saying, " ah, you crazy bitch". 

then joker shows up on the tv screen on the wall beside Harley, " Harley!" the joker said making Harley jump out of her seat, " yiii!" she cried out as she stood up. " what's he doing here? it's too early!" joker said as he was referring to batman who watches from behind the barrier, " I'm sorry, pudding! don't be angry with me," Harley said before she kissed the screen as if she was kissing joker, " oh you little mix, I could never stay mad at you" joker replied before the screen went black and Harley turns back to batman. " sorry, b-man. you'll have to find another way! Buh-bye, now!" Harley said before walking away,  batman walks out of the building before clicking his earpiece. " (Y/N), I need a way in the medical building" he said as (Y/N)  was typing away looking through the Arkham asylum blueprints trying to find another way in as her mother came down with Alfred who was carrying a tray to tea. " well, there is a way in through the vent above the entrance" (Y/N) said as catlin sat next to her, " thanks" batman replied as he grappled up to the roof and saw the vent before ripping the vent grate off, " beware, it's a tight fit" (Y/N) jokers making catlin look at her " (Y/N)!" she said making (Y/N) sink in her chair and whispers, " sorry". 

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