The Garden

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Batman and nightingale made it outside to see some of the crazier inmates had broken out, then they heard joker's voice on the speakers, " good evening, residents of joker asylum. some of our... crazier guests have crashed the party early. and when I say crazy, I mean real psycho. word of warning. if anyone sees a dribbling fool barking at the moon or maybe just purring like a kitten, do your civic duty. walk up to them. put your arm around them. show them that you care before you wring their necks. and then, get your lazy asses to the gardens. I'm cooking up a little surprise and don't want to be disturbed. understand? " joker said before the speakers went quiet. batman and nightingale sneaks past the crazy inmates and made it to the greenhouse. they walked into the greenhouse entrance, " I'm going to pick up Harley Quinn's trail. we can't waste any time in finding the titan production plant" nightingale said to batman who nodded his head, " agreed" he said. they followed the trail and found joker waiting for them on the other side some water looking like the room was flooded. " you need to stop this now. before it goes too far!" nightingale said to joker, joker turns and they saw him with his arm around an officer's neck " stop? buy everyone's dying to see what I do next!" joker said with a sinister laugh the guard was trying to get out of the joker's grip, " let him go now! batman demanded in anger. " really? ok, if you say so, bats" joker replied as he kicked a power box in the water making it electric before throwing the guard in it, killing him instantly. " no!" batman called out as he tried to save the man but nightingale stopped him. " you really need to speed things up, bats. " joker said as he walked through the hallway and blowing up the ceiling above him. he lets out a sinister laugh as the stone from above crashed down and blocked batmans and nightingales path from following joker. 

" We need to follow him," batman said to nightingale, who nodded before grabbing her cryptographic sequencer. she scans the room for anything, then see-saw the electric wire that turns the electricity on, " we need to turn off the power in the generator room." nightingale said, " then let's get going." batman replied before they both made their way to the glasshouse generator room and saw some thugs beating up an Arkham staff member, nightingale throws a Batarang at a thug before running up the thug and kicking him in the face. batman kept punching thugs before he kicked one towards nightingale before she knocked the thug out. 

nightgale frees the staff member before saying, " are you alright?" the staff member nodded his head, " yeah, I'm okay, but are two okay?" he said. batman walked up and stood next to nightingale, " we're fine. we eat punks like this for breakfast" batman said before nightingale lightly elbowed him in the stomach making his smile a bit. " what were they doing in here?" nightingale asks, " the ones that weren't hitting me went over there and started doing something to the power controls. I have no idea what they were doing" the staff member said as he pointed to power controls. nightingale and batman look to see a bomb strapped to the control. batman turned to nightingale giving her a not before he goes over and disarms the bomb. 

nightingale looked at the security camera to see the power was off. they then left the generated room and were able to get over the water. they looked around the room for a way to get through the blocked hallway. nightingale taps batman's shoulder and pointed to a vent grate, he opens it before crawling through the vents with nightingale following him. then made it to the abandoned chamber where they jumped out of the vent and landed on the wet ground. " now what?" nightingale asks before batman grabs his grapple gun and said, "we need to climb up the old fashion way" he then grappled up with nightingale followed before making up to the top floor. 

they made it to the aviary and saw two Arkham staff members in cages that were hanging over a ledge, " listen. the bat and his little love bird are on the way. if you see them, send the annoying doctors to hell. that's the down one right?" joker said on the speakers, " yeah. they're going down" a thug said in his walk-talki. " good. and remember. if you hear a collar go off, batman and nightingale are here." joker finished before the speakers went silent. batman nightingale was in a hiding place thinking of a plan before batman said, " okay. I'm going to take out the main man in the control panel. once he is dealt with. you can take out the thugs." nightingale nodded before batman sneaks his way to the main panel. once batman took out the main thug at the panel, he looked at nightingale and nodded giving her the signal for her to take out the rest of the thugs. 

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