Following The Trail

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batman started to follow the trail of alcohol, it leads him to the secure transit room where he saw an officer who was trying to get the elevator working, the officer hears footsteps behind him and turns to batman before asking, " " how did joker get free?" batman just held out his hand telling the guard to be quiet, " what's going on?" the guard continued as batman looked up to see the trail went up to the top floor. but then Harley Quinn jumps down and lands on the top of the lift before sitting down, dangling her legs over the edge as she said, " uh, uh, uh, uh b-man! Mr. j doesn't want you following us just yet" she then pulls out a detinater and clicks it making the elevator above them drop as harley Quinn went up letting out an evil laugh, " get down!" batman yelled out as he grabs the guard and pushed him away from the lift as it crashes in front of him as he jumps out of the way. batman gets up as the dust clears before he hears Harley's voice from above, " how did ya like that, b-man? no way you're following us now. you're trapped down there till me and Mr. j are ready for you. ha, ha, ha! "  she said. but batman smiled as he takes out his grappling hook and started to climb up to the top floor. as he was halfway up he hears joker's voice on the speakers, " hey, bats. I know you can hear me. I've got a little something for you to listen to. Harley and frank are nearly out of the building with the lid man. how are they going to get past all those guards? let's have a listen, shall we?" joker said. then boles' voice was heard talking to some guards, " hey! frank. where you been?" a guard asks as boles walk towards them, " joker's got more men on the way. they're coming around the front of the asylum. gotta stop them from getting in! quickly get over there. dammit! cover the main entrance!" boles said as the guards stood in front of the entrance, " how many are their boles, wait, hang on how do you know what-" but before the guard could finish his sentence batman could hear gunfire. " boles! frank, what are you doing? no! put it down!" a guard yells out before more gunfire was heard, " frank! what the hell?" another asked before more gunfire went off, then there was silence. 

" Quinn, it's clear, get your ass in here" bole called out, "you're some piece of work, Frankie, a girl could fall for someone like you," Harley said before letting out a lovestruck sigh, " stop flirting with the hired help, Harley" joker said, " don't worrie, sweetie. you know I only have eyes for you" Harley replied, " did you hear that bats? sounds like Frankie is working out just fine! another valuable employee for the organization". joker said as batman made it to the top floor but saw some of the jokers' thugs talking to each other, "these guards didn't put up much of a fight" a thug said making the others laugh, " joker was right! this is easy" the other said before batman leaped out of his hiding place and took them out. then his ear-peace started beeping, he clicks it and (Y/N) voice could be heard " dad. how's it going? any sigh of barbara's dad?" she asks, " not yet, but I'm getting close. Harley Quinn tried to slow me down. dropped an elevator on me" batman replied, " did it work?" (Y/N) asks making batman laugh a little, " of course not. I'll get back to you when  I reach the end of the trail." he said before continuing to follow the trail, he finds a vent and started to crawl through it, but when h came to the end of the vent and saw two guards getting shot, " please, I've got a kid! you don't have to-" the guards said before he was shot as the thug laughs, 2 " you're right. I don't have to. I just want to! ok, boss says no one gets past. anything moves, shoot it" the thug said as batman opens the vent gate before looking around the cornnor to see three thugs armed with guns. 

" (Y/N), joker's men have taken control of the cell block transfer corridor," he said in his ear-peace. " that's not good. I patched into a guard radio, it sounds like joker's crew have got their hands on weapons" (Y/N) said as she gave barbara a worried look before looking back at the screen, " I know. I'll calibrate the cowl's vision mode to isolate armed henchmen," batman said before activating his detective mode, he saw the three armed thugs through a wall, they flashed red making batman know that they were armed. " the direct approach is suicide. I need to be smart, find a different way past them." he said to himself before he looked up and saw a gargoyle above him, he takes out his grappling hook and grappled up to it before sneaking above the thugs, he jumped down behind them and silently takes them out one by one, after he takes out the last thug he hears someone talking to the joker, " no problem, boss. the boys are just finishing off. the Arkham chumps never stood a chance" the thug said to joker who was on a screen in front of him, " good. our friendly neighborhood rodent is on his way. you need to set a trap. he must not leave this building. do you understand me?" the joker said, " yes, boss. the bat as good as dead!" the thug replied, batman, sneaks towards the control room where he saw the thug and kept listening, "I hope you keep ypur promises, boy. I'd hate to have to go and punish your family just to teach you a lesson. I can tell you they won't be laughing, hehe-hehe" joker said as he giggled, " but joker-" the thug started but joker cuts him off, " just do it and have fu. i know i will" joker finished as he lets out a sinister laugh before batman takes out the thug, " oh, look who it is! are your pointy ears burning? I suppose i'd better warn my boys you're on the way... hey, maybe I won't.... it'll be a nice surprise" joker said again letting out a sinister laugh before the screen went black. 

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