Killer Croc's Lair

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batman and nightingale made it to the mansion and saw some poison gas had surrounded the inside of the mansion. they found officer cash with some other officers taking over above the main hallway. they grappled to them making cash up before lowering his gun and said, " I figured you'd be here about now. oh hi nightingale" nightingale smiled and said, " hey cash. how have you been?" " good thanks. where have you been, it's been a while" cash asks as nightingale looked at batman before saying, " I had some family stuff." then a guard stood up from his seat on a box as  he asks, " what's up with the plants?" " it's complicated" batman replied. " let me guess. poison ivy. she teamed up with joker." cash said as nightingale nodded as she said, " all that matters is that we can stop the plants taking over the island, but..." nightingale couldn't finish her sentence as she remembered that they needed to find croc's lair. batman stepped in and finished for her by saying, " where do you keep killer croc? I found a door in the sewers, but it's sealed shut." cash sighs as he looked at his hook, nightingale followed as her fear or croc grew as cash said, " that monster's got his own special cell. it's right below the transfer room back in intensive treatment. the elevator goes right down to an old sewer. we just drop meat down there every day or so and try to forget about him. it's locked off. more security than the joker. you won't get in without the warden's permission. he has the codes" batman nodded his head with gratitude and said, " thanks. cash, stay here and do not go near the plants. they'll kill you. " cash nodded his head as he walks towards his crew leaving batman and nightingale to think of the next step of the plan. " do we really have to go to croc's lair?" nightingale asks in fear. batman nodded his head as he held her hand, " it's the only way, catlin." batman replied as catlin sighs before walking away. 

they made it to the intensive treatment lobby and saw some of joker's thugs were placing bombs on the gargoyles. " are they ready? have you planted the explosives yet?" joker asks over the speakers as one of his thugs said in his walk talki, " done. razor's just finishing his off now". " good. let's test'em out!" joker replied as he pressed a bottom and the explosive started to beep as the thug was finishing up, " no! no, I'm still up here!" the thug call out before the bomb exploded making the thug fall and land on the ground killing him. " pops" joker said before letting out a sinister laugh. batman kicked the vent grate off the wall before dropping to the ground along with nightingale before they hid behind a corner. nightingale turned on her detective mode and looked around the room to see 6 thugs looking around the room, all of them were armed. " okay, there are three armed thugs. I'll take three, and you take three" nightingale said to batman. he nodded his head before going his septet way and taking the thugs out. once they were dealt with, nightingale sighs before knocking the thug out. but then she started to hear the sounds of a little girl. she looked down the hallway and saw a little girl looking at her before running off giggling. nightingale took off after her before batman ran after her, " Catlin!" batman called out but lost sight of her in the thick smoke which made his vision start to go dark. " catlin..." he said before everything went black. after a few seconds batman woke up in darkness, he tried to lift his hand but he was trapped in something. " Catlin! (Y/N)!" he called out in fear before he punched a hole in a box and dirty started to flood in and he dug his way out. once he came to the surface he gaps for air before he pulled himself out of the dirt. 

he lied down on the dirt as he tried to catch his breath but then he turned and saw a tombstone with the name " RIP Bruce Wayne" batman stumbled back in shock before he hears the voice of his wife, " bruce!" catlin called out as batman looked to his left and saw another tombstone with the name, " RIP Catlin Wayne". batman crawled towards the stone and started digging with his hangs to get catlin out of the grave. " catlin, hang on!" he called out. batman dug until he saw the wooden surface of the coffin as he hears banging from the inside. " BRUCE!" catlin yelled out as batman punched a hole in the wood before pulling the coffin lid off. catlin then jumped into batman's arms as he hugged her as she cried, "you're okay. you're okay" batman said as catlin kept crying until she looked at him. " I thought I lost you. " batman replied. but before catlin could say anything they heard a high pitch laugh in the air. they both looked up and saw a scarecrow. batman pulled nightingale into a hiding place as they waited until scarecrow wasn't looking in their direction. batman nodded his head to her before he leads her towards the bat signal that was waiting for them. as they made it to the bat signal, batman broke out of his trance and saw that he had his hand around scarecrow's neck, " I  think you both need a little more" scarecrow said before investing batman's arm making batman let go. " NO!" catlin yelled out before attacking scarecrow, but he then missed her attack before injecting her with the fear toxin as he said, " tell me, what demons do you have left to beat? shall we see?" both batman and nightingale groan in pain before opening their eyes to see themselves back in scarecrow's wold. then the floor below them broke and they both fell into the pit of fear, they land on the ground in pain before they looked up to see scarecrow watching them as selections crawled out of the ground and were ready to attack. " are you both enjoying the extra dose, little heroes?" scarecrow asks In a sinister tone as a skeleton charged at nightingale, but she throws a punch and the skeleton shattered into peace. batman and nightingale started to fight as more sceletons kept attack, " oh, I won't rush things this time. I'm going to savor every moment of your terror as I slowly destroy you both." scarecrow said before nightingale grabs her remote electrical charge gun and fired it at the bat-signal at sat under scarecrows left hand. it lit up and the beam of light shines on his hand, burning it. scarecrow cry out in pain before he said, " you're both fighting back. good. it can only weaken your resolve." 

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