Following Harley

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batman slowly wakes up with a ringing sound in his ear before he saw Harley Quinn looking down at him with some of joker's goon near her holding warden sharp in the distance, " poor dr. young. still, you know how Mr. J hates a squealer." she said before turning to the warden, " talkin' about squealers" she said as she walks towards him and hits him with his cane until it broke, then batman hears nightingale was heard groaning as she woke up, Harley hears this and kicks her in the rib making catlin moan in pain before turning back to batman, " that old loony actually thinks he runs this place. talk about crazy. well, bats, places to go. get him, boys. if he gets up. knock him down. but not too rough Mr. j needs him at the party, guess I will have to tell him bats is bringing a plus one" Harley said as she leaves the room with she the warden. batman jumps up as a thug went to attack him with an iron pipe, then as the thug was about to swing again a grappling hook attached itself to the thug's hand, the look behind them to see nightingale behind them, she pulled the thug towards her before knocking him out. then batman grabbed a thug and throws him to the ground knocking him out before nightingale started to fight the other thugs, once they were dealt with they looked at each other as they took a quick breather. then catlin clicks his earpiece and said, " (Y/N), dr. young is dead. have you figured out a way past these security gates? " " mom? what are you doing in Arkham asylum? wait a minute, are you back in the nightingale game here?" (Y/n) asks, " only if your father need the helping hand," catlin said with a smile, bruce shakes his head as he joining the confusion In his earpiece, " before she died, she told us there's a production plant hidden somewhere in the gardens," batman said, " well, the Wayne tech security protocols seem to be hack-proof. Lucius did a good job. it's a two-part biometric sequence apparently generated by the warden, using a code sequencer" " and destroyed by joker in the safe explosion. Harley Quinn has the warden, and he's the only chance we have to get past these gates" catlin said as she looked at her husband, " okay, good luck" (Y/N) said before the coms went quiet. batman then saw the broken part of the warden's cane and scan it. he saw some blood, once he scans it he saw a trail that leads to where the warden was taken, " what did you find?" catlin asks. batman walks up to her and clicks her detective mode on her headset, she sees the trail and smiled,  " come on" batman said as he and nightingale took off following the trail. 

they followed the trailer to the cell block building, once they were inside they heard screams and shouting ahead, Nightingale shakes silently. batman saw this and takes her hand. after catlin calms down they walk into the main cell block as they saw some crazy inmates. as nightingale and batman walked down the cell block, an inmate reached through the bars and tried to grab nightingale with a terrifying scream. nightingale jumps back n fright as batman caught her and blocks her from the inmates as they kept making their way down the block. they made it to the green mile room where they saw a glass cell in the middle of the room with an inmate inside, as they got closer to the inmate, they saw it was poison ivy. 

ivy saw batman and nightingale walk up to the call, they were about to walk past her when she stood up and said, " stop! stop! batman, nightingale. Please! you've got to help my babies!" batman turns to ivy and said, " I'm really not interested in a bunch of flowers, ivy" " they're in pain! crying for help!" ivy replied, but batman just walked away as nightingale turns to ivy and said, " just stay where you are! the last thing we need is you running free" she the followed batman leaving ivy alone in her cell as ivy whispers out, " poor children. I'll save you". 

batman and nightingale made it to the security control room and looked up to see the warden tied up on a small lower in the middle of the room, they made their way up there was about to free the warden, nightingale looked up at the security camera and saw Harley Quinn walking in the green mile room, as Harley was about to walk past ivy's cell, ivy slams her hand on the glass cell and called out, " Harley!". Harley jumped back in shock, " you have to help me!" ivy begged as Harley looked at her, " ivy? gee, you look like crap! maybe I can sneak ya some shampoo" Harley said, " the plants! can't you hear them? they're crying out to me in agony!" ivy said in pain, " yeah? well, I really don't have time for this" Harley said, " please, let me out. they'll die without me" ivy said. Harley thinks before taking a small list out of her bra and unfolding it as she reads it, she said " I dunno. red. you're not on Mr. J's party list. oh well...." Harley started walking away but ivy begged again," Please" ivy said. Harley stops in her tracks to think for a moment before she turns back and said, " ah, what the heck. I'll cut you a break" Harley opens ivy's cell. ivy walks out and sighs as stretched her arms and she wiped her hair back with a smile as she said, " that feels so much better". ivy begins to walk away before turning back to Harley and blows her a kiss before leaving, " she's a good kid" Harley said. 

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