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Isobel PoV

I wake to Ryders morning glory up on my ass. I'm used to it by now.

I try wiggle away slightly but his big arm pulls me back.

"Ryder, off." I groan quietly, and he huffs, pulling me in even tighter with both arms.

"Ry... it's morning, get uuup." I groan trying to pull his arm off me.

"Mmmm.... too comfy." He tells the back of my head in his deep morning voice.

My tank tops riding up, his fingers are on the skin of my bare stomach.

The first few times things like this happened, I got embarrassed, same as the hard on, he actually was more embarrassed than me, aged 12 him wasn't cocky like now. Hah, cocky.

"Ryder, we're gonna be late." I push on him and he moves off me.

His hips still close, I sit up and rub my eyes.

I yawn and stretch my arms above me.

"Mmm morning gorgeous." he mutters and I look down at him.

"You being pervy Ry?" I ask with a frown.

His smirk is firm on his face, hands up in surrender.

I see his eyes go from me to my top, my boobs. I sigh and push the covers off him and point to his groin without looking.

"He needs to stop being pushed into me Ryder, or I'll chop him off." I warn and he chuckles, a deep rumbling noise.

I move my thigh over his to get off the bed and he runs his hands up my bare thighs.

"Not funny buttmunch." I mutter as I lean above him to hold the bedside table to climb off.

"Iz wh-" he starts then stops.

I frown at him, he rubs his face with both hands.

"What?" I ask softly, confused. I'm not doing anything I don't usually do?

"Nothing." he mutters into his hands, lying flat on my bed with the covers showing off his tanned eight pack and v muscles.

I look away before he can see me looking. Damn attractive body...


When I get out the shower, towel wrapped around me, another drying my hair, I see Ryder sitting on my desk chair. He's leaning back, his jeans back on, his face concentrating on his phone in his hand.

"Why are you still here?" I ask quietly, hand on my hips, holding the towel, the other tightly secure around me.

He looks up, look me over, I see he's clearly checking me out.

I sigh and he looks up to my face and smirks, I see his cheeks blush though. He's probably embarrassed for me.

"Sorry, I.... the bet? It's up to £920 now." he hands out his phone and I take it. I look it over, Wills is at £820. I'm amazed.

"This is insane." I mutter and hand his phone back, turning to get some clothes out for the day.

"Do you think Sarah will kiss Will?" He asks and I frown at him.

I can't tell him she's fancied him for ages, that's going against girl codes and stuff right? I'm surprised he's mentioned it again.

"Well I'm not kissing you, so." I shrug and he looks away, fiddling with his phone. Kissing Ryder won't happen, it would change things.

"Why do the girls care who you kiss? No offence but aren't you two are kind of sluts?" I question quietly.

I pull out some clothes and turn back to him.

"Answer Ry, then leave so I can get ready." I'm exasperated with this already. I don't know what's going on here.

"I haven't hooked up in a while." he shrugs and I don't really care so I just continue getting my things together, plugging my hair dryer in.


"I like someone. I won't keep sleeping about and having meaningless fun, I... I'm serious." he sounds serious. His confession surprises me.

"Uh huh... your player days behind you hey Ry? As if." I play and he just frowns.

What the hells gotten into him?

"I'm serious Bella. Completely serious." he tells me. His green eyes staring into me.

"Alright, well." I don't know what to say "good luck? I... hope she doesn't break your heart?" I offer lamely and he nods slowly doing a sad smile.

"Yeh. Ok... thanks" he looks... sad?

I'm so confused.

I wonder what this would mean for us? For our sleeping arrangement?

I let him climb out my window and walk back next door to his house.

What's up with him?


Does this hit the same?
Edited, don't wanna take away from anything from before though.


L x

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