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Ryder PoV

I somehow pull myself away from my amazing girlfriend, my world, and climb out of her window, pulling myself into mine just a few steps from hers.

I go straight to my wardrobe and pull on some sleepwear my parents might believe I slept in.

I shove my phone on charge and check my hair. Yup I have crazy bed hair.

I can't wipe the damn smile off my face still, even as I walk through to the kitchen and find my mum sipping her coffee, reading her newspaper.

She's so focused on her paper she doesn't hear me enter.

"Buongiorno, mamma," I tell her good morning and head to get a glass out the cupboard.

"Buongiorno Ry," she mutters in her strong accent, not looking up to me and I pour an orange juice. I put the juice carton back in the fridge and turn back to face her.

She's frowning at me over her reading glasses.

"Son... you've not stopped smiling?" She smirks suspiciously, with a little smile of her own.

I can't lie to mamma, she'll see through it.

I shrug and chuckle happily, leaning back on the kitchen counter facing her. She leans back on the chair, pulling off her glasses, hugging her mug to her waiting for me to spill.

"Y'know I told you I really like a girl, like, really like her?" I can't keep the happiness out of my voice, my smile is so wide my cheeks hurt.

She smiles and nods for me to continue, leaning forward now on her elbows on the table.

"Well... I now have a girlfriend mamma." I smile wide and she matches me, her eyes go to little happy slits and she stands up waving her arms, "oh figlio mio! I'm so happy for you!"

She hurries over to me, pulling me close and squeezing me, making excited noises and I chuckle along, happy for her being so happy for me. I'm so lucky I have such loving parents.

She takes my face in her hands and looks me dead in the eye, "figlio mio! You make me so proud."her emotional, cooing voice makes me laugh along, shaking my head.

My dad enters with his dressing gown on and messy hair, all confused and tired.

"What's all this fuss?" He asks me arms out.

"Our son has a girl! Oooh! He really likes her!" Mamma gushes excited still holding me tight.

"Ah! Haha, about time Ry!" he chuckles and slaps me on my back.

I knew my parents would be happy for me, they'll be overjoyed when they know it's Isobel.

My Isobel.

I can't tell them yet, I wish I could, I'm bursting with the pride I have such an amazing girlfriend. However I know my parents, they'll be calling aunties, cousins, everyone. Once mamma realises it's Isobel, well I know she'll be straight next door to see her mum...

Once Bella decides to tell her mum & Will, then I can tell my parents more.

Will... I forgot... I should check in on him...

Isobel PoV

I think I'm in a state of shock? I shower and dress in a blur... I dry my hair, get fully ready all in my own head.

Ryder Jones is my boyfriend... this is crazy...

I open my door and see Sarah sitting at the kitchen breakfast bar... Will standing between her legs... they're kissing. I don't mean a peck either.

I completely forgot about Sarah staying over last night! Oops!

I clear my throat and they both snap their heads to me.

Will moves his hands from Sarah's waist and she just smirks at me then giggles.

Will just starts going bright red, rubbing the back of his head.

"Well well we'll.... Morning guys! Have I missed something?" I ask coyly and Sarah jumps up, runs to me, grabs my hand and drags me into my bedroom.

Once we're inside she slams the door shut and relaxes her body into it.

"So you and Will huh?"

"Oh my god Izzy... oh my god... why didn't he want me before?!" She gushes in a love haze making me giggle. Her eyes are all shiny, she's going bright red.

I laugh along. Seeing my bestie happy makes me happy.

"So you two together?" I ask, sitting down on my bed.

"I don't know, I mean.. god I hope so... I'm sorry I didn't sleep in here by the way..." she goes all rosy, covering her face, and I realise what my bestie is saying.

"Sarah... did you sleep... with my brother?" I raise an eyebrow and she shrugs shyly.

I cover my mouth and she rushes to correct me.

"Nothing like that! Oh god Izzy! I'm not a one nighter girl! Jeez!" There's my bestie. She's so sensible.

"We just...cuddled? Got to know each other?" She can't look at me, just smiles still and shrugs.

We giggle and she sits down next to me "and kissing hey!" I wink exaggerated and she pushes me giggling.

"So I... have news...." I cringe telling her. I don't know why? I feel funny talking about it?

For the longest time Ryder sleeping here with me has been my secret? He's all mine in this room, the soft, kind Ry.

All she knows of Ryder is my brothers annoying bestie? I don't think she knows him like I do, actually, I'd question if anyone knows Ry like I do.


Ryder telling his parents <3

I miss these two.. I could do with some more love in my life... guess that's why I'm back updating... lol..

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L x

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