Twenty eight

792 13 1

Bella PoV

"It's more funny the more I look at it!" I laugh whole bodily, lying back on the bed.

"God, it's so funny!" He laughs loudly like me.

The photo of the three of us with our crazy hair on Christmas morning when we were like, 14? We are all looking so crazy it just makes me laugh over and over.

I have crazy bed hair, and this judgmental bitchy look on my face at Will who's pointing at Ryder with a over serious face.  Clearly not happy. And Ryder.. he's laughing open mouthed, head thrown back, holding himself like he's finding something unbearably funny.

The mess of our living room of wrapping paper, presents, crazy Christmas decorations.

"What was so funny and why was Will so pissed off?" He asks as he finally calms from his laughing.

I sit back up, he's sitting topless cross legged on my bed facing me.

We're going through old photos, it's been amazing to hear Ryders views on memories. I realise even more how much of a massive part of my life he's been. Always here for me and Will.

"I don't understand what could of happened but I really love this photo of you." I tell him, looking at the photo again. It earns a big grin and a shake of his head as he looks down at the other photos in his hand.

"Oh, I like this one. Last Christmas," he smiles handing me the photo album from last year. Pointing at one particular photo.

9 months ago? Madness...

My mum makes a Christmas album every year without fail. She loves Christmas and always wishes to savour it for every photo every memory.

I often wonder why. I can't bring myself to ask her though.

The photo Ryders showing me is me smiling across the room to him. He's smiling back at me. I spy the little box in my hand, the earring box, his present to me last Christmas.

"I like this one too." I tell him softly, looking over his handsome face again and again. I can't believe he liked me then. I remember opening those expensive earrings so clearly.

"I'm sorry about those earrings.. I really really wish I still had them." I tell him honestly, looking up to see his soft expression. His beautiful green eyes don't hold any grudge to me for losing them.

"It wasn't your fault, things happen," he half shrugs.

Ryder PoV

I really love the photo of her smiling at me so genuinely. I think I'll see if I can get a copy of it, so I can frame it.

I worked hard to find the perfect gift for her last Christmas, I knew when I saw those earrings she'd love them. Two hawaiian sea turtles made of Hawaiian Koa wood, dangling from little silver hoops.

Bella loves everything summer, loves sea turtles, any and everything Polynesian, Hawaiian.

When I saw the American ad come up on my phone for a jewellery store selling those expensive little turtles, I knew I had to get them for her.

Somehow my Bella lost them. Both of them, in February.

Her face when she told me, admitted she had no clue where they'd gone. I felt awful that she couldn't tell me without crying.

I was upset she'd lost them, but I was so much more upset for her. She loved them.

A few weeks ago I found one of those little earrings. It was in Wills car when I dropped my phone down the side of the seat.

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