Twenty four.

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These two are so adorable <3

Isobel PoV

Last lesson finishes and I round my things up. My teacher blessed me with a strict silent hour, leading to nothing more than the odd dirty look from the odd jealous hormone filled teen to worry about. Thank you Mr Keep. No trouble was nice.

It's not even trouble, it's just comments, or talking about me so I can hear.

Not all of the attention is even bad attention, I guess I'm not used to being talked about. I'm not used to being objectified.

I pull my bag on the table and stand, putting everything in. I drop a pen on the floor, so I bend to get it.

"Izzy, wow... no wonder you got Ryder whipped" a guys voice comments. I don't reply.

I lift my full bag and leave the room.

"Ever get bored of him babe, you know where I'm at!" the guy shouts, I hear male voices laughing.

I see Ryder walking towards me down the loud and busy hallway, looking at his phone. He doesn't see me.

I rush up to him and he must sense me coming as he looks up just as I reach him.

"Beautiful, what's going on?" He asks concerned.

"Nothing, I just missed you!" I smile, letting out a relieved breath as my hands go to his chest.

I don't know what's gotten into me, but he doesn't seem to mind.

"I missed you too." That big beautiful smile grows, his phone forgotten as he moves down to kiss me.

"Mind if I...?" He asked pulling one my low loose hairband. I only did it so I could keep it out the way to work in chemistry.

I go to take it out but he swats my hand, surprising me, and pulls it out gently for me.

He fans my hair out over my back and shoulder, kisses my cheek.

"Absolutely beautiful-"

"Hey Ryder!" A cheery girl practically sings, smiling wide at him as she walks by.

What's wrong with people? Clearly we're having a moment? I see the irritation on his face before he just blinks it away.

Moment ruined.

"Do you need a lift to the salon or can I talk you into cancelling?" He smiles all teasingly. His fingers play with my hair while the other hand holds me close on my hip. His thumb on my skin stroking, teasing.

I like being taller, I can easily play with his hair this way. Maybe the pain of wearing heels all day is worth it? Certainly has its perks.

"Well, I think I'm-"

I'm rudely cut off by a guy shouting "Oi Ryder, you still on for later?" it's Brad, he's one of the guys who commented on me. I don't like him. I turn to look at him, he's with some other guys I know are Ryders football friends.

Wonder what 'later' is?
Should I be worried?
Why am I so insecure?
Never have I felt this before.. not before Ryder.

Before last week, Ryder and Will would be off doing there thing every day after school. Come to think of it, I wonder if he misses being more social with his friends.

I'm stopping him aren't I.

Just because I'm happy spending so much time with him, doesn't mean he necessarily is.

I have plans with Sarah anyway... I'm really not used to all this dating stuff. It's confusing.

Maybe I'm just making it more confusing that it needs to be.

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