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Isobel PoV

"You and Ryder! Oh my goodness Iz!" Sarah squeals quietly gripping my arms excitedly, the second my bedroom door closes.

I giggle and move to sit on my bed. "It's mental Sare.. I can't believe-"

"He looks at you like you are a damn Queen Iz! You should of seen him! Ohh mama, if Will looked at me like that... jeez..." Sarah rambles and I just shake my head, amused.

Her and Will... me and Ryder... 101 thoughts whirling about..

"Yeh it's strange.. good strange but yeh..." I shrug happily and she nods biting her lip.

I know this look.. she's bursting to tell me something...

"You slept with Will didn't you?" I ask suspiciously and her face falls serious and worried.

"Uh... it kind of just happened..." she looks timid... like she's almost ashamed. This is her body and her life, it's her choice?

"Do... you... regret it?" I'm not sure what's going on in her head right now.

"No! Oh hell no... no it's not that. I just don't want you thinking..." she can't look at me, this isn't like her?

"Thinking what?" I frown.

"Nothing, just he's... your brother.. I don't think you wanna hear the details," she raises an eyebrow.

"Oh I couldn't agree more! I don't want details!" I laugh and she eases up instantly with a big smile.

"I'm happy for you Sare, I really am. If you're happy, I'm happy, ok?" I smile at her and she nods and hugs me.

I pray my fucker brother doesn't hurt her.

She pulls back to look at me. "So, you and Ryder....?" She asks teasingly. This is more like her.

"Just kissing.. he's such a good kisser... it's so weird, I just haven't let myself see him for more before, I was always..." I don't want to admit it all out loud to her. That I was scared to lose him, that he would stop sleeping in with me each night.

"You didn't wanna mess up your friendship?" Sarah offers softly, and I nod back slowly. "I get that. You three amigos go way back," she smiles understandingly.

Sarah and I have been best mates on and off for years, she keeps having to spend long periods of time living with her dad in Japan, so she's not been around as much these last few years. However shes my best friend all the same, and she knows these two boys quite well now. How can she not.

These past days will change everything going forward. All four of us as different now to each other. A thought crosses my mind and I shudder, physically shudder.

"I hope Will isn't being too harsh on him."I worry aloud.

"Yeh... we should probably check on them. Oh but first. What the damn hell are you wearing? Why have you got a freaky shark top on? And where did you go on this date today anyway? I bet he pulled out all the stops! Oh was it romantic? Ahh I bet it was, he really likes you Iz!"

My best friend can talk for England when she gets started...


We all have dinner together with my mum. The five of us talk about all sorts.

Mums ecstatic for me and Ryder, she told him that she already sees him as a son. I can tell that means so much to him, his smile makes his eyes do that narrowing thing, it's cute. She tells Sarah she's another daughter to her, I see mum struggle with her emotions with that comment.

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