Chapter 31 - Test Runs

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It's...worth the risk, Hoshiko decided. If we don't try, I will probably have missed a chance to get stronger and save lives, all because I couldn't trust the demon that lives inside me.

Without saying another word, Nemuru lifted Hoshiko's chakra with another gust of wind and carried it to his, which was still being mixed together with the nature chakra. They floated closer, closer, closer together, until at last, they were joined. Hoshiko's eyes widened. There was no visual difference, except for the fact that their chakras were now one, but she could feel the difference. 

It was the thirst for blood that stood out to her the most. Suddenly she wanted to kill something, anything-

Calm, child, Nemuru said. You'll lose control. I should have told you that it would probably be overwhelming as well as everything else. But from now on, you might go on a rampage occasionally, murder a few people, take down a few villages-

What? You couldn't have told me that earlier? It's not exactly a tiny detail. 

Nemuru yawned again. It is to me. You'll figure something out. Sighing, he added, but this is bad for me too. I can't sleep when you're in battle anymore. 

Hoshiko was unamused. I'd bet you could use a little exercise, she thought at her demon dryly.

Ignoring her, Nemuru continued. We'll have each other's power, though the more we trust each other, the more powerful we'll be. 

Hoshiko grinned. Great, we can work on that as we go along. But meanwhile, any other things I should know about this? Maybe random needs to kill people?

No, that's basically the only downside, though it is going to be a pretty big problem. Other than that, it's mostly just benefits, incredible chakra reserves, enhanced stamina and endurance, and everything you use will be many times stronger and purer

Hoshiko was elated. If Naruto can manage to get this same thing down with Kurama, we'll be unst-

I highly doubt that'll be possible, Nemuru interrupted.

Hoshiko faltered. What? Why?

For one, Kurama has an extremely short temper, always getting angry at everything. He won't listen to Naruto as I did you. They also don't have the ability to hold together the nature and beast chakra. Kurama has a monstrous fire chakra as well as a fearsome wind one, but he doesn't have the earth and water natures required for the medium. Even if they did, however, Naruto would inherit a thirst for blood so strong he'd lose control of his emotions every other day, maybe more. And when he does, it'll be ugly. Kurama doesn't exactly think when he's angry, just destroys. You're lucky in that matter. I have a much higher IQ than that nine-tailed fox, which therefore means I think before I do things most of the time, which directly affects how you move when on a killing spree. So the impact you'd make would be more controlled than Naruto, even if the destruction might be the same. Do you follow?

Hoshiko wasn't sure if she did, but she tried to make something out of what Nemuru had said. So you're saying that even if the damage I would do when delirious could be the same as Naruto in that respect, it'd be more...controlled? Why, would I tear people apart in an orderly fashion?

Stop joking around, Nemuru growled. And to answer your question, no. You'd just be easier to  get under control again. Naruto would go so crazy that you'd have to kill him to get him to stop.

Hoshiko shivered. But what do I do? There's got to be a way around this. 

There was a moment of silence as Nemuru thought. I'll think about it, he said finally. Though you'd better get back to consciousness. It's been an hour, and the old toad is about five minutes away from knocking you out with that black stick. 

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