13 || an audience with the king

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"where are we going?" joshua asked with a sore voice as he followed behind seungcheol who looked way too eager for someone who was still up at two in the morning. he had no clue where seungcheol had gotten all the energy from, and frankly he was afraid to find out too. of course seungcheol refused to give away where he was going, which was what joshua figured out after the first three times he asked about their destination. seungcheol claimed it was better not to reveal their destination for that "element of surprise" but really joshua thought it was more because the brunette was trying to be really irritating.

it was working too, because seungcheol could just read the confused, annoyed expression off of joshua's face like it was a preschool leveled reading book. the pink haired adult sighed when he met eyes with seungcheol, making sure to display his displeasure with not knowing their destination each time the brunette turned to glance at him.

"well obviously you seemed burnt out in the studio. the best way to relieve that is to get out and do something." seungcheol pointed out as if it were his intentions were very clear. they had just been at jihoon's studio, and after seeing joshua cry seungcheol called it a night and decided to lead the pink haired male outside. the brunet's spontaneous actions definitely confused joshua, but then again the city's dimly lit streets were perfect for hiding both his embarrassment and his reddened eyes (both were from his crying).

joshua hadn't even intended to cry. all he could remember was the feeling of being judged and how he felt like he was wasting seungcheol's time. before he knew it, his water works started up and they weren't planning on closing shop until joshua got everything building up inside flushed right out of his system. "and before you ask what, I'm not gonna tell you until we get there!"

"of course you're not going to." joshua sighed for what seemed like the hundredth time that night before finally settling with the idea that seungcheol was going to continue to be stubbornly annoying by retaining information from him. after that followed a long gap of silence.

joshua didn't know what to say to seungcheol after the scene he caused at the studio. it wasn't like he hadn't talked to the older male alone before, but it still felt weird. joshua blamed it on the fact that it was because he was still getting used to seeing seungcheol walking side by side with him and not in the driver's seat of a car, but there was also the fact that he cried in front of the brunet. joshua hadn't even cried in front of some of his closest friends and there he was crying in front of seungcheol. "you don't really have to take me anywhere though, it is pretty late."

"it doesn't feel like it. it feels like the night's just beginning." seungcheol smiled warmly at joshua, though he wasn't sure the pink haired male could see his face because of the dim street lighting. sure it was almost three in the morning, but time was an endless concept when it came to spending time with people you enjoyed being around. "after tonight I'm definitely going to need a nice long nap."

"or two, your eyebags just get deeper every time I look at them." joshua let out a small chuckle as he gestured to the area under seungcheol's eyes. he wanted to reach under the brunet's round eyes to lightly stroke the area, but he felt that would be a bit much. "but seriously where are we going? this whole mysterious persona you took on doesn't suit you; I like you better as a clumsy uber driver."

"must you be so impatient?" seungcheol huffed, furrowing his eyebrows down at joshua who grinned delightfully at the brunet before nodded eagering and mumbling something about it was "how he was built" afterwards. the pink haired singer did calm down though after being informed by seungcheol that they were now approaching their destination.

joshua had to admit that even though the reasonable part of him knew there weren't really any sophisticated places to go this early in the morning, the way seungcheol hyped it up made it seem like they were going to disneyland or some place of similar value. that was why when seungcheol led them right to the entrance of a burger king, joshua couldn't control the confused and disappointed expression on his face. he also didn't seem to miss the way seungcheol vibrated with excitement as the older brunet pointed to the familiar glowing fast food chain sign and spoke gleefully. "there's nothing like a good meal to relieve stress. what's even better about this is that it's delicious and cheap!"

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