14 || all wound up like a clock

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jeonghan smiled at the pink haired male as he allowed for him to continue on with his tale of the night. it was all rather interesting considering jeonghan was getting an opportunity to learn more about joshua, specifically the unversity student's love life which he was very keen to share. joshua claimed his roommate, hansol, didn't really lend the same listening ear jeonghan had. hansol did listen to what joshua had to say occasionally since nowadays hansol tended to zone out a lot during their conversations.

"so he took you out on a mini mental health date after you guys worked at the studio. jisoo I swear if you don't marry this man I absolutely will." the blond laughed jokingly especially after seeing the way that the younger male blushed at the mention of marrying this individual. joshua went on and on about how seungcheol had treated him with the uttermost respect and care that night, especially after he has struggled so much with recording that song for jihoon. "who is this mystery dude anyways? I don't remember you mentioning a name."

"I didn't mention his name? that's odd I could have swore I said it before-" joshua's voice trailed off as the pair walked out of the business building on campus and began to make their way towards a nearby exit. he looked backwards towards jeonghan, giving the older blond a mischievous smile before sunlight hit both of their faces as they were finally outside of the stuffy college building.

"you're really good at leaving a guy hanging on the edge you know. it'd be cute if it weren't so irritating." jeonghan rolled his eyes, hoping that jisoo wouldn't point out that the blond acted with just as much mischief in his actions (sometimes even more). within the short time they'd been friends the pink haired student had found out so much about jeonghan, but at the same time he really knew nothing about the blond when he thought about it.

they both never had a chance to hang out outside of their morning classes together, so neither really did have a good idea of what kind of a person the other was; hence why jisoo seemed to know a lot about the playful side of jeonghan who either messed around or slept during classes and nothing about the jeonghan outside of college life. "I still stand by what I said though. the world needs more people like that guy who took you out."

"I guess you're not having much luck in the love department of things then?" jisoo asked with great curiosity. the pink haired male was genuinely interested in why jeonghan had such a cynical view on something as uplifting as love.

"not really, but to be fair I'm not exactly looking for someone to be with long term if you know what I mean." jeonghan glanced over at the student beside him who nodded as if he were telling jeonghan to continue on with his small rant. it wasn't really supposed to be a rant, but once jeonghan got started on this subject it was really hard for him to cover up all the resentment he'd been holding up inside of him. "relationships are overrated. even if you find yourself in a good one things go wrong and all you get out of it is pain. that's the problem with getting attached to people, you're never really prepared for when they leave you."

"wow." jisoo took a moment to really process what jeonghan was saying. there was so much bitterness tied up in the older student's words that it surprised him. jeonghan seemed like a carefree person who played around for fun, and honestly he seemed like someone that anyone would kill to be with. however, the harsh tone of the blond made jisoo think otherwise. there was more to jeonghan than he originally thought and he felt stupid for not seeing it sooner. "I'm guessing you had a bad dating experience or two to make you feel that way?"

"I guess you can say that." jeonghan agreed just so they could get past this subject. he eyed jisoo from the side and noticed that the pink haired male appeared to be uneasy after hearing such not-so-reassuring words. he didn't mean to scare jisoo from the idea of love at all. "but if this guy's the right one for you, you should definitely go for it! he sounds amazing!"

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