02 || put your pants on

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"soonie I'm home!" seungcheol called out as he entered their shared apartment. soonyoung and himself were very close friends and the two had resorted to being roommates while soonyoung attended classes at the infamous pledis university (or as soonyoung called it "please die-versity" haha funny joke right?).

seungcheol found it odd that soonyoung had not replied to him, it was around the time that soonyoung would be getting ready to go to his weekly night dance class which was starting in an hour. he shrug off his worries though and instead focused on locking the apartment door behind him as he wiped his shoes on their welcoming door mat. seungcheol then decided to go to the kitchen, after taking off his sneakers, to set down the takeout food he had picked up on his drive home.

neither him or soonyoung were talented when it came to cooking, so most nights their dinner consisted of instant ramen and whatever seungcheol managed to buy on his way home. once the older brunet had made the mistake of entrusting preparing dinner to soonyoung. that night seungcheol found the younger male arguing with the fire alarm, trying to get it to stop beeping while the rice he was making burnt to a lovely crisp.

since then seungcheol made it his priority to keep soonyoung as far away from the kitchen, specifically the stove, as he possibly could. seungcheol even found himself looking at the stove while reminiscing about soonyoung just going at it with the fire alarm while he was unpacking the chinese food he bought from the takeout bag.

when seungcheol finsihed up doing so he placed the bag in the garbage and finally took off his coat, at last settling into the apartment. he hung his coat on the coat rack near the apartment entrance and decided it would now be time to check in on soonyoung. not only did soonyoung get grumpy when seungcheol didn't wake him up for dinner, the older of the two was worried soonyoung would end up missing his class if he wasn't awake (assuming he was asleep).

"soonie I got us dinner again so get your ass out here." seungcheol called out once again, walking towards soonyoung's room at the same time. the brunet frowned at the lack of response from soonyoung and was even more disappointed to see that his room door was shut. he didn't even think twice about opening it and barging right into the room. "you won't believe what I went through at work tod- oh god I see dick goodbye."

seungcheol turned around immediately at the sight of two naked bodies intertwined with each other in soonyoung's bed. the two people in the bed woke up at the sound of seungcheol's blunt comment, one of them even chuckled as he looked around for his underwear and sweatpants.

"geez seungcheol ever heard of knocking? it's so easy to do, even a baffoon like you can manage to pull it off." a deep voice laughed, making seungcheol roll his eyes and huff at the sound of it. behind him, because seungcheol didn't want to turn around and see accidentally more dick, soonyoung slipped on his own clothing and slapped the chuckling male on his bare chest before walking towards his roommate.

"you can turn around now cheol, wonwoo finally has his pants on." soonyoung gave a small glare in his boyfriend's direction, which only amused the taller male. after all, wonwoo found it very entertaining when soonyoung was riled up with anger. "now now babe, try not to sound too happy about that. an hour ago you were practically begging for me to-"

"yeah no I'm not letting you finish that sentence because frankly I don't give a shit about your sex lives." seungcheol turned around just as wonwoo was slipping on one of soonyoung's oversized shirts to hide his well-built frame. he felt himself cringing on the inside when wonwoo wrapped his arms around soonyoung and pressed his lips against the crook of his neck before laughing at seungcheol's reaction.

"get off of me jeon." soonyoung blushed, making his skin burn up with embarrassment as wonwoo blew a breath of air past his left earlobe. seungcheol, again, was sickened by their lovey dovey actions and coughed loudly.

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