11 || the universe factory

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the crisp morning air hit seungcheol's cheeks the moment he left his apartment to meet up with joshua at the recording studio. he had to drive there; he didn't mind doing so but the fast rhythm of his heartbeat was very concerning, the brunette was sure that something was wrong, there was no way he was this nervous to meet up with joshua and his friends right? seungcheol had done some scarier things like drinking while underage (that was soonyoung's fault) and falling while going indoor rock climbing ( that was also soonyoung's fault), but he had never felt this kind of rush before.

and the brunette figured this crazy rush in his heart would stop when he arrived in front of the building where the recording studio was stationed, but it only got more intense. seungcheol turned off his car engine, he had luckily gotten a parking spot in front of the building, and just stared at his dashboard for a good few minutes. he contemplated starting the engine back up and going home because of how overwhelmed he felt in the moment. it wouldn't be hard to think of some excuse so he could leave and ditch the hangout, but then he would feel guilty for abandoning joshua.

after considering his options, seungcheol took a deep breath and texted joshua to inform the younger of his arrival. it didn't take long for the pink haired male to answer back that he was going to meet him at the entrance of the building. suddenly the reality of the situation struck seungcheol, he really was doing this. with a boost of confidence, seungcheol stepped out of his car and proceeded to fiddle around with his phone while waiting for joshua.

"seungcheol! look at us hanging out without you driving me around, that's definitely an improvement." joshua smiled excitedly at the brunette as he exited the building and made his way to stand beside seungcheol. in response, seungcheol also shared a smile with joshua as the pink haired male then gestured him over towards the door of the studio building. the two began to laugh and chat while getting into the building elevator and riding it to one of the top floors of the building. "it's actually weird not seeing you in the backseat of my car."

"I'm taking that as you offering to drive me home later on, thanks seungcheol." joshua smirked as the elevator doors opened. he walked right out of the enclosed space, looking back at seungcheol who seemed visibly confused before the older brunette sped out of the elevator to catch up with the pink haired male. seungcheol's whines of protest were ignored as joshua led him past multiple studio doors before leading him to the last door on the sixth floor hallway. the younger male laughed to himself as he took out his copy of the condo's key and unlocked the front door. "I never said that!"

"here it is, jihoon calls it the universe factory because he's actually a cheesy little bitch." joshua explained before seungcheol could continue his complaining. the brunette hadn't even noticed that they were already standing in the studio apartment until now. he looked around to check his surroundings; it was like a condo apartment, there were even a set of stairs in the apartment that led to an upstairs area. joshua was very satisfied by seungcheol's amazement, he was proud even if he didn't technically live in the studio apartment, and proceeded to continue his tour of the place. "we write songs in here, that's clearly the kitchen, and over here is the recording booth. hansol's recording a song from his mixtape in there already."

joshua and seungcheol both entered a small room discreetly. there was a mini recording booth where hansol stood, flailing his hands around professionally as he rapped a voice. seungcheol glanced around before spotting a shorter male sitting in front of a computer and a medium sized control panel with a lot of buttons on it. seungcheol assumed that was who joshua referred to as jihoon. jihoon had bright pale skin that complimented his black hair. he yawned softly as he looked at the lyric sheet in front of him. the brunette would have called jihoon cute if it weren't for the exhausted expression on his face that perfectly matched his grumpy attitude.

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