05 || the hunt is on

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"the choi seungcheol? whipped over some good looking passenger? I'd never thought I'd live to see this day!" seungkwan gasped excitedly as he perked up and clapped his hands together. a few members of the friend groups shared the same feelings seeing as surprised looks could be seen on their faces. it wasn't their faults though, seungcheol didn't really share the same interest in dating as the rest of them. seungkwan was their resident "boy crazy" friend, jeonghan was their popular pretty boy who got the attentions of both females and males, and even wonwoo still had people confessing to him about their long deep-seeded crushes.

seungcheol was the only one within their group who hadn't experienced love to its fullest potential and he, along with seungkwan, had as much dating experience as a first grade boy. that was exactly why it was shocking to see that seungcheol had his eyes set out on someone for the first time in a long time.

"he couldn't have been that good looking." jeonghan scoffed, feeling somewhat of a rush of jealousy pump through his veins. his comment was ignored by most of the boys who paid more attention to the pizza in front of them. the pizza had arrived shortly before they started this conversation so they were now all huddled over their two boxes of pizza, eager to both way and listen to seungcheol's story about his mysterious passenger.

"on a scale of wonwoo to jeonghan, wonwoo being worst, where was he ranked?" soonyoung managed to speak out despite having his cheeks filled with bites of pizza. wonwoo, who was wiping his mouth with a napkin right before soonyoung had started speaking, sucked in a breath and shot his boyfriend a deadly glare. "you have fifty seconds to give me one good reason as to why I shouldn't kick your ass right here and now."

"because jeon you love me and my ass, you said so yourself last-" soonyoung leaned closer to wonwoo, making a very cute facial expression while saying such a vulgar line. the dark haired male scoffed under his breath before rolling his eyes to show his annoyance with soonyoung. if you looked a little closer you could see the beginnings of a small blush on wonwoo's face as well.

right beside them stood seungkwan who gave out a rather large screech before closing his eyes and covering his ears with the palms of his hands. he frantically shook his head, hoping that this would prohibit soonyoung from continuing with his suggestive comment. "please stop, you're making me want to snap and just kill you both."

"he was way prettier than jeonghan, no homo of course hannie." seungcheol's calm voice broke up any tensions between the friends, well it stopped seungkwan from whining about wonwoo and soonyoung being the annoying couple they were. jeonghan laughed at his best friend's comment, this time finding it amusing that seungcheol had thought of the stranger as prettier than him. he was really curious on what the stranger looked like if he really was as beautiful as seungcheol was describing him to be. "none taken. we all know I'm the gorgeous friend of this group at this point."

a small pause of silence filled the air of the kitchen afterwards as seungcheol took a bit of his pizza. the others watched, very eager to know more about the passenger who had caught their friend's eye. soonyoung frowned while waiting for seungcheol to say more; he and jeonghan were very impatient when it came to things like this and waiting for seungcheol to expose more was just not cutting it for them.

"what was the guy's name? what was his age? height? blood type? favorite type of boba? tell us everything." seungkwan broke, rambling quickly to try to get as much information as he could out of the older. sadly though the brunette had had no idea about what seungkwan had said in the latter half of his interrogation because of how quickly he spoke.

"blood type? I don't even know wonwoo's blood type and we've been together for two years?" wonwoo nodded along to what his blond boyfriend was saying while taking a bite of his second slice of pizza. the group of friends all looked over when seungcheol cleared his throat, preparing to answer. they sighed disappointedly though when the older brunette failed to come through with any good information. "his name is joshua and he's pretty cute. sadly that's all I know for now."

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