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The married couple was sitting in two chairs across from the couch Sonic was sitting on. They were waiting for Shadow to come out in the fresh pair of clothes Rouge brought for him. Rouge was in a dark blue dress and Knuckles was in a dark green shirt and blue jeans.

All eyes went to the hallway at the sound of a door opening. Shadow walked out in a light blue shirt and light grey maternity pants. He came in and sat next to Sonic.

"So how do we want to start this?" Rouge asked.

"I think Shadow should give his part of the story first. Is that alright with you Shadow?" Sonic asked.

Shadow nodded.

"Fine, so how did this whole incident happen?" Rouge asked.

"I found out you two had lied to me about what Sonic had said, you're husband saw I was using his phone and snatched it out of my hand. We argued with each other and I decided to take a walk. I tried to leave and he grabbed me-"

"I didn't grab you, I made sure you-"

"This is Shadow's side of the story! So Let him tell it!" Sonic exclaimed as he gave Knuckles a glared.

Knuckles glared back and Rouge held his fisted hand.

"Sorry Shad, continue." Sonic said.

Shadow cleared his throat and continued. "He grabbed me, I struggled out and...things were said out of anger..that led to him slapping me in the face. I fell to the ground and pretended that something was wrong with the baby. When he came close enough, I kicked out his leg, and he hit his head on the floor. He passed out and I ran. That's when Sonic found me." He finished.

"Is there even a reason why Knuckles should tell his side or-"

"Sonic, don't instigate." Shadow said looking into Sonic's eyes.

Sonic looked back and nodded. "Go on then."

All eyes were on Knuckles.

"First, Rouge and I had a long talk about yesterday after we left here. So Shadow's story is true. There's no point in lying about now. Second, I'm sorry Shadow for slapping you while you are doing such a huge favor for me and my wife. Finally, I only grabbed you because I know how much Rouge cares about that schedule and that you follow it. So I acted on it." Knuckles explained.

Shadow didn't want to look at the echidna.

Rouge saw his look and sighed. "Shadow, I know this whole situation shouldn't have happened like this, but please understand that he's making an effort to say sorry for what he did." She looked at Knuckles. "I still can't believe you did that! You could have really hurt our baby!" Rouge shouted at him.

"I thought we already talked about this!?" Knuckles exclaimed.

Shadow was one his last nerve. He kept his gaze down.

"All I'm saying is that you need to learn how to control your temper more, especially if you're going to be a father!" Rouge exclaimed.

"And I said I was trying-"

"Will you two shut up!" Shadow shouted.

All eyes were now on Shadow.

Sonic saw Shadow's distressed face. "Shadow."

Shadow's eyes darted to him with a serious look.

Sonic took the hint and backed off.

"What happened yesterday was just the breaking point. Things haven't been going well for awhile..." Shadow started.

"But you've never said anything, we give you all you need. Help is given to you when you ask for it. So what's been so bad?" Rouge asked.

"Because more than half of what you just said has not been true." Shadow replied.

"What do you mean? Of course all of it is true! I have help you with questions, made a schedule for you, I even gave you time for yourself in that schedule! So what's the problem?!" Rouge exclaimed.

"Yes, you've answered my questions, but that schedule has cost me more harm than good, incase you haven't noticed! And that time to myself is spend trying to recover the sleep I lose at night because of your kid!"

"Exactly! My kid! Which you agreed to carry, so I don't see anything wrong with making sure that it's healthy and safe! I'm sorry you don't feel the same way but I'm doing this for my baby!" She yelled.

"That's all I am to you! A walking incubator that you think you can control! All you ever say is: 'it's for the baby! Do this for the baby! We have to do this for the baby!' I'm done hearing it!" Shadow exclaimed.

"That's not true and you know it Shadow! I say those things because it is my baby! You're the one who agreed to help us in the first place!" Rouge yelled.


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