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Sonic sped for a couple of miles before he stopped in the middle of a beautiful forest with lush plants everywhere.

Shadow's muzzle was a burning red as he was cradled in Sonic's arms. "You could have given me a warning that you were going to do that." He spoke embarrassed.

"You said you trusted me and look, now we're here." Sonic replied and put him down. "And I thought it would have been nice for you to feel what it was like to use your speed again."

"I guess I admit that it was nice to feel the breeze in my face when I would run again." Shadow confessed. "So thank you."

"Your welcome." Sonic replied and pointed to his right. "The path starts over there. Shall we?"

Shadow smiled and nodded.

The two hedgehogs walked around the empty path with no one to bother them. Sonic and Shadow enjoyed there time together, they talked and laughed, they forgot all the troubles and struggles in there lives. The pair of friends stayed in the peaceful forest for hours just spending time together.

"You and Miles really did all those things at such a young age?" Shadow asked.

"Yeah, we used to get into so much trouble when we were kids. There was even this one time that Tails-" Sonic noticed that Shadow was struggling to keep up. He was a little behind him and breathing a little heavily. 'He did say it has been awhile since he's been walking around so much.' He thought.

"Do you need to take a break? We have been walking for awhile." Sonic asked.

"N-No no, I'm fine. Let's keep going." Shadow replied.

Sonic wasn't convinced so he remembered where this path led to. "Alright then. Let's keep going." Sonic said and walked a little slower for Shadow.

After a couple of minutes, the hedgehogs arrived at a beautiful crystal blue lake.

"Wow." Shadow commented in amazement.

"It's pretty isn't it?" Sonic asked.

"Yeah, it is." Shadow replied.

Sonic went to the edge of the lake and sat down. He looked back at Shadow and patted the space next to him. "Come sit."

Shadow went next to him and sat down next to him. He stared at the sparkling lake and smiled.

"You seem a lot happier here than when you were at the house. I know you said that you're not aloud to leave alone but can't you ask Knuckles or Rouge to take you for a walk or something?" Sonic asked.

"If I'm speaking honestly, Knuckles hates me and doesn't want to be around me. I don't like him either, even I tried to ask for something from him he rejects it even before I've ask. And Rouge works all week and all she wants to do is lecture me about the baby for the two days she is home. So there's no way to ask her without a fight." Shadow stated starting to feel his emotions and hormones start to overflow. He stopped talk and breathed for a second.

Sonic saw Shadow's reaction after speaking about his troubles to him. "You know you can show your emotions around me. You don't have to hold everything in all the time."

"I'm not, I just don't want to ruin our good time." Shadow lies finally settling himself.

"Do you want me to talk to them?" Sonic asked.

"You would do that?" Shadow replied in surprise.

"Of course I would. I know first hand how hard it is to deal with Knuckles and I'm sure Rouge will be happy to help you get through this. I can speak to them when we get back to the house." Sonic answered and put a hand on Shadow's shoulder. "You're my friend Shadow and I would do anything for a friend."

Shadow blushed at Sonic contact. He stared into his shining emerald eyes and was entranced.

Sonic himself felt his heart race and was trapped in Shadow's ruby eyes.

Before they both knew it, they were both leaning closer and closer to each other. Their lips only inches apart.

Suddenly, a thought came into Shadow's head. He back away from Sonic in panic. "What time is it?" He asked.

"U-Ugh.." Sonic stammered as he looked at his watch. "6:45 why?"

"Rouge gets home at 6, she'll wonder where we are and she'll freak out. We have to get back or I'll never hear the end of it." Shadow stated and started to get up.

"Okay okay, Let me help you." Sonic said as he jumped up and offered Shadow a hand.

Shadow took it and stood up.

"This time I'm asking you, can I carry you back to the house?" Sonic asked.

Shadow blushed a little and looked away a little embarrassed. But he nodded anyway.

Sonic chuckled and scooped him up once again. He sped of to Rouge and Knuckles house with Shadow in his arms.

After a few minutes, they made it back to the house. Sonic had put Shadow on his feet and they walked up to the front door. Shadow opened it and saw Rouge standing with her arms crossed, looking very angry. And Knuckles was sitting on the couch.

Asking for a BabyWhere stories live. Discover now