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Shadow couldn't remember the last time he had cried this much. His tears seemed like they would never stop. All the frustration, sadness, and severe fatigue were poured out into Sonic's comforting chest.

Sonic had been listening to Shadow cry for over ten minutes. All he could do was comfort him until he had unloaded twenty weeks worth of unhappiness. He stroked the distressed hedgehog's quills and held him tight.

After awhile, Sonic heard Shadow started to calm down. Cries turned to sniffs and occasional whimpers. "Feeling better?" Sonic asked as rubbed Shadow's back.

With his head still in Sonic's chest, Shadow gave a small nod. Sonic's warmth felt so good to Shadow, it was comforting and he felt cared for. He felt so comfortable that he had trouble keeping his eyes opened, the severe fatigue didn't help either.

Sonic saw Shadow trying to keep his eyes open. 'After something like that, no wonder he's even more exhausted than when he first came here.' Sonic thought as he started to stroked Shadow's head quills again. "Shad, let's get you in bed okay?"

He didn't argue with Sonic. He felt like he had exhausted every ounce of energy in his body. So he nodded and slowly moved away from Sonic's warmth. Sonic helped him off the couch and into the quest room.

It was a plain white room with a big bed, a closet, a big window, and a TV.

Sonic untucked the blanket and patted the bed, signaling to Shadow to lay down.

Shadow sat down on the bed and tried to lean over to take off his shoes. The bump made it almost impossible.

"Here, let me." Sonic kneeled down and started to remove Shadow's shoes and socks. He set them aside and watched as Shadow laid himself down on the soft pillows and amazingly comfortable mattress. Sonic covered up the pregnant hedgehog in the blanket, not too long after, Shadow had finally fallen asleep.

Sonic smiled at the sight of him, he looked at peace. He gently stroked Shadow's quills and listened to Shadow's sleeping breaths. It was like music to his ears.

(A few hours later: At Rouge and Knuckles house)

Rouge drove into her driveway and turned off her car. The female bat was in a grey dress. She got out of the car with her purse in hand. As she approached the house, she realized her front door was wide open.

Rouge's breathing started to hitched as she ran into her house. She saw her husband out cold on the floor, Rouge checked his pulse. Once she felt his pulse beat she let out a sigh of relief.

Rouge shook her husband and noticed the small amount of blood on the floor. "Knucky? Knucky wake up!"

The unconscious echidna groaned and began to move. His eyes opened and saw his wife. "Rouge?" He questioned as he raised his hand to his small gash on his forehead.

"Easy Knucky, you might have a concussion. Do you feel dizzy or weak at all?" Rouge asked.

"No, my head just hurts." He groaned in pain and then he remembered what happen. He started to become furious.

"That hedgehog is gonna pay for this!" He claimed.

"Hedgehog? Did Sonic do to you? And where's Shadow!?" She asked starting to panic for her unborn baby.

"No, Shadow did this!" He said getting up on his two feet.

"What? Why?"

"Its a long story. But I don't know where he went. Last thing I remember is him running out the door."

Rouge started to think where Shadow could be. She got the ideal place in her head, but then her face morphed to annoyance. "I know where he is. Come on."

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