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  When I got to anatomy with my friend Gaby, the two of us sat at a long black table in the back of the room. She was our friend, but she was very different than us. She was a cheerleader, while me, Mal, and Hallie all played softball. So that already told you enough really.

  But she was the cheer captain and she was pretty mean to anyone she thought wasn't popular. She was actually the girl version of Jake now that I think about it.

  We weren't as close to her as we are with each other, for self explanatory reasons. But we still hung out with her whenever she decided to make time for us. It was an interesting relationship if I'm being honest.

  As Gaby talked about cheerleading and all of her stupid "popular" friends I kept looking around the room. There was no reason for it other than to just distract myself from this uninteresting conversation. A few minutes before the bell rang I saw a familiar tall blonde boy walk through the door.

  He was in a few of my classes, but I didn't really know his name. I could spot him out in any crowd, not that he was in many, but I didn't know his name or anything about him. I knew he got picked on for being different. He has been since he moved here freshman year. I hated it, but obviously I couldn't do much about it with me just being one person.

  I've always wanted to talk to him and be his friend, because I never saw him around anyone other than himself. But he was quiet and he was shy and always had his nose in a book that had a bunch of band stickers on them. I don't know why I never talked to him, I didn't have an excuse other than my socially awkward self being nervous to talk to new people.

  I watched him walk to his table in the back right corner of the room by himself and put his stuff down. He flipped open the notebook he had and started vigorously writing something down.

  The bell was what brought me back to reality, then it was Mr. B's voice that got me to start paying more attention.

"Alright class, today we'll be going over the last main body system before our project tomorrow. I won't get too into detail about it now so that we can have more time for review today if you guys need it. Open up your notebook to an empty page and write what I put on the board." He said and sat on his desk.

  Whenever we took notes he'd write it in a Google Doc and project it on the board and type what was important as he spoke. It was nice for me because at least I knew what was important to write down, and it was a lot better than a lecture if I'm being honest.

  Most of class we went over the new system we were learning. Then any time left was spent going over the old stuff we have learned. I was trying to focus really hard and make sure I had everything important so that I could do well on this project. This was actually one of the few classes I liked so I liked to do well in it.

  When the bell rang for next period I shoved all of my stuff in my bag as quickly as possible. Luckily next period was a free period, but the library was all the way up on the third floor.

  I got up from my table, without looking in my surroundings, and ended up bumping into a tall figure. They ended up dropping the things in their hands which made me feel really bad, this is what I get for not paying attention.

"I'm so sorry, let me help you." I said quickly and sincerely and quickly went down to help them pick up their stuff.

"It's okay I wasn't paying attention." He said softly and stood up from the ground. I noticed it was the tall blonde boy that I saw every day. His piercing blue eyes struck me like a lightning bolt. They were so bright and so pretty, and definitely one of a kind. I don't think I've ever seen such pretty eyes before.

"No it was totally my fault." I said and stared into his eyes and eventually scanned my eyes over his entire face. He was really cute, wow.

  He hugged his stuff closer to him and I noticed his cheeks turned bright red as I just stared at him. I didn't even realize I was staring until I had been doing it for too long. He was really cute. I obviously had noticed that from the amount of times I see him in a day, but I've never really seen him up close and personal before. And even before I thought he was cute.

"I um... I gotta head to class but I'll see you around." I said and gave him a soft smile. He smiled back at me. It was a tiny one, but it was still there, and so were his red cheeks that seemed to get even redder. I looked at him for a second longer until I forced myself to tear my eyes away and head to class so I wouldn't be late.

"Ellie guess what?" Hallie said excitedly once I walked over to our desks that were right next to each other.

"What?" I asked and plopped down in my seat.

"Michael asked me out." She said excitedly.

"Really?" I asked with wide eyes.

  Her and Michael have been flirting with each other since the summer and it's nearly March now, long time, I know. But since they've been friends they both didn't really think they'd like each other back so they haven't really been going out as anything more. Or at least that's what they say. I'm just glad they're actually going somewhere now.

"Mhm, we have a date Friday after practice so you girls gotta help me get ready." She said eagerly.

"Alright." I said and opened up my book to get ready for class to start.

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