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Yesterday with Luke was fun. He was still super shy and definitely closed off but I didn't mind it much.

At dinner my family kept asking him questions. I could tell it was making him slightly uncomfortable which made me uncomfortable. They were always like this. Especially Ashton and my dad, they were the ones that were pushing him.

I just didn't want him to get scared or something and not want to come back. I wanted him to get comfortable with me before he got comfortable with my family.

"Do you have a free period?" I asked Luke as I walked up to his table in anatomy.

"Um yeah next period." He said and looked up from his notebook which he immediately closed.

"Do you want to come to the library with me? We can try and get some more done for our project if you want." I said and sat down next to him which I think surprised him a bit.

"Uh yeah sure." He said and I noticed the questioning look he was giving me. Probably because I was sitting next to him, so I just ignored it.

After class the two of us walked to the library. Whenever we were together I was usually the one talking. I didn't care too much really. I figured that maybe if I told him a lot about me then he'd want to tell me about him. I just wanted him to trust me and to be comfortable with me.


"Alright guys I think little Ellie here has a new crush." Ashton said a few minutes into lunch.

"Is it me?" Calum asked with a smirk which just made me laugh. At our table was me, Ashton, Calum, Michael, Hallie, and Mal. Ashton was the only senior since he was older. But he made friends with Michael and Calum my freshman year and they've been inseparable ever since.

"I don't have a crush don't listen to him." I said and took a bite from my sandwich.

"Uh yeah you do. He was over yesterday." Ashton said matter of factly which nearly made me choke on my food.

"Woah woah woah, you had a boy over and you didn't tell us?" Hallie asked with an offended look on her face.

"We're working on an anatomy project that's it." I said firmly.

"I don't believe that one bit. You wouldn't even let me answer the door." Ashton said and slammed his hands down at the table.

"Anatomy project? Are you working on the reproductive system?" Michael teased which made me roll my eyes.

"You're gross." I said and took a sip from my apple juice.

"Who is it? Why has no one asked that yet?" Mallory said which made me laugh.

"His names Luke." I said and refused to make any eye contact with any of them.

"Luke... that sounds so familiar." Hallie said and held a thoughtful look on her face.

"He's in our english class." I said and a couple seconds later it looked like she had a lightbulb over her head.

"The shy kid that sits in the back?" She asked eagerly and I nodded my head. "Oh he's so cute." She said excitedly which made me laugh a bit.

"Wait I don't know him. I want to know what he looks like." Mallory whined which made me laugh harder.

"I'm not letting any of you near him. You'll scare him off." I said and continued eating my food.

"You definitely like him. Why else would you not let us meet him?" Michael said and tried to look intimidating but it really wasn't working.

"Because he's shy and I want to be friends with him. I can't do that if you guys scare him off first." I said matter of factly.

"This is suspicious." Ashton said and stroked his nonexistent beard.

"It's not. I just want to be friends with him. Is that a bad thing?" I asked rhetorically.

"Yes." Calum said firmly which made me roll my eyes.

"This is why you're not allowed to interact with him yet." I said and stood up to throw my trash away.

"Technically I already have." Ashton stated with an antagonizing look.

"And you won't be anymore." I said and pushed his head away from me.

When the bell rang for my next class I got excited. Luke was in this class with me, but so was Hallie so this would be interesting. Hopefully she didn't do anything bad. I actually had to give her a lecture on the way there and told her what not to do.

"Hey Luke, this is my friend Hallie." I said as we both walked up to his desk in the back of the room. He looked up at me and then looked at her while she just smiled at him.

"It's nice to meet you." She said and sat down in front of him while I sat down next to him.

"You too." He said and held a strange look on his face.

"Do you want to hang out again today?" I asked quietly so that she didn't hear.

"Sure." He said and sent me a soft smile.

"Great." I said and smiled at him before class started.

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