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  It's been a couple weeks since I had first started talking to Luke. We've hung out pretty much every day for the past couple weeks. Except for when he had work or I had practice or something.

  It took him a while to finally warm up to me, and I still don't think that he's fully really there. But I've been making an effort to hang out with him whenever I could or to just talk to him whenever I had the urge to.

  I texted him a lot. We have small conversations over text before we go to bed most nights. And during school I talk to him whenever I see him.

  I still didn't know much about him. But hopefully that would change soon. He was so intriguing, he was like a book I couldn't stop reading. I just wanted to know everything about him.

"Hey why don't we hang out at your house tonight? My house is going to be pretty loud because Ashton is having his friends over." I said when I sat down next to him.

"Oh um sure." He said nervously and put his pencil down.

"Great. I'll come over after practice yeah?" I asked and he nodded his head.

  The rest of the day went by slowly. Then I had to go to practice, in the rain. Which wasn't exciting at all. Hopefully I didn't get a cold because that would absolutely suck.

  Our first game was Friday, which was so annoying because we've been practice for two weeks for pretty much no reason. I guess there was a reason but it was still super annoying.

  After practice I quickly went home and showered and got ready to go to Luke's. I just put on a sweatshirt and leggings since it was kind of chilly cause of the rain. I threw my curly hair up in a bun just do that if it got wet it wouldn't be totally ruined and frizzy. Once I had done my makeup and put my shoes on I said goodbye to the boys and my dad and headed to Luke's.

"Hey." I said cheerfully once Luke opened his front door.

"Hey." He said and opened his door for me to walk through.

"I like your house." I said and looked around a bit.

"Thanks." He said and closed the door behind me. Once I saw some pictures on the shelves at the end of his hallway I walked over to them and just looked at them. I've always loved looking at pictures, whether they were mine or someone else's. A picture holds a thousand words.

  I carefully picked up one of the pictures and looked at it. There were three boys in the picture, along with two parents. It must be a family photo. At least it seemed like it, the three boys looked almost exactly the same.

"Is this you?" I asked and pointed to the smallest boy that seemed to look just like Luke except a bit chubbier.

"Uh yeah." He said and looked down at the picture I was holding.

"You were so cute." I said with a smile and looked up at him. I noticed his cheeks were stained red which made me smile more and butterflies erupt in my stomach.

"Are these your brothers? I didn't know you had brothers." I said and looked back down at the picture.

"They're not really around anymore so." He said and shoved his hands in his front pockets.

"How come?" I asked and gently put the picture back on the shelf.

"Doesn't matter." He said and shrugged his shoulders and looked down at his feet which he was stepping on.

"Yeah it does. They're your brothers." I said and took a step closer to him.

"Not really. It doesn't matter, let's just go upstairs." He said and turned around to go up the stairs. I took a hold of his arm and pulled him back. I felt goosebumps rise on his arms as I touched him but quickly ignored that.

"Tell me about your family. You don't talk about them much." I said softly and tried to make eye contact with him.

"I don't have one." He muttered and tried to turn back around. I felt my heart sink at what he just said. He had to have a family, everyone needs a family. Especially when you're young.

"What do you mean?" I asked and took my hand off his arm.

"I don't have one. End of story." He said and turned around and went up to his room before I could pull him back again. I ended up following him up to his room and closing the door behind me so he wouldn't try to escape again.

"I'm only pushing because I care Luke." I said and pushed myself off the door and took a few steps closer to him. He just let out a scoff and held a look of disbelief on his face.

"No you don't." He said and started walking around his room.

"Yes I do. Why else would I make such an effort to talk to you or to hang out with you? I want to be your friend Luke." I said softly and reassuringly so that he knew I meant it.

"You don't care. No one cares." He shouted and finally looked at me.

"I do care. I wouldn't be here if I didn't. I care about you and I want to know you. I want to know why you're so closed off and shy. And I want to know the side of you that no one else sees." I said and held my hands in front of me as I stood there.

"Why?" He asked with a curious look on his face.

"You're interesting to me." I said and shrugged my shoulders. He scoffed and started walking around again while playing with his lip ring. I've noticed he does it a lot, it's probably a thing to distract him.

"I'm not interesting." He stated.

"You are to me." I said sincerely.

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