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  I woke up at six the next morning to get ready for practice. Luke wasn't here because he had to get his mom from the airport.

  I quickly got ready for practice, like I did every morning. Then once I was ready I started the drive to the field for practice.


  The second practice was over I drove home so I could get ready. Dinner wasn't for a few hours, but it took me forever to get ready.

  I took a nice long shower when I got home. Once I got out I took forever to pick out an outfit. I didn't really know what to wear. I wanted to impress her and I didn't want to give her any reasons to hate me, especially when Luke has said nothing but nice things about me.

  I finally decided on a nice light pink summer dress. It was simple but it was nice enough, I hope. Once I was dressed I started my makeup and then moved onto my hair. When I was ready to go I slid on my white flats and grabbed my phone and my keys before heading out the door.

  The closer I got to his house the more nervous I got. I never thought I'd have to meet his mom. Well I mean obviously I would but I never thought about it.

  When I finally got there I let out a shaky breath before I got out of my car. I stepped up to the front door and knocked. A couple seconds later Luke opened the door with a smile on his face.

"You look beautiful baby." He said and leaned down to kiss my cheek.

"Thank you." I said and smiled at him as I felt butterflies flutter around in my stomach.

"Don't be nervous." He said and took my hand and pulled me inside.

"You're asking for a lot you know." I said softly as I followed him to the kitchen where his mom was cooking.

"Mum this is Ellie." He said with a smile and put his hand on my lower back. Her head snapped up from the cutting board and she smiled the second she saw me. She quickly wiped her hands on a towel and came around the kitchen island.

"You're even more beautiful than the pictures." She said and rushed over to give me a hug.

"Thank you." I said and felt my heart melt. Nice people always made me emotional because there weren't many of them out there.

"I'm Liz, it's so nice to meet you honey." She said cheerfully and made her way back to the other side of the island while Luke pulled me over to sit next to him at the stools.

"It's nice to meet you too." I said and rested my hands in my lap while I played with my rings. Luke quickly caught it and stuck his hand between mine. He rubbed his thumb over my knuckles and lightly squeezed my hand to settle my nerves.

"I've heard so much about you. I think me and Luke were on the phone for hours and all he could talk about was you for the most part." She said and went over to the stove to cook.

"All good things I hope." I chuckled and saw him roll his eyes from next to me.

"There isn't a bad thing to say about you." He said and elbowed my arm.

"Please he's in love with you, he talks about you like you're some kind of goddess." She said with a smile and tied back her hair.

"It's because she is." He said seriously which made my cheeks burn red and my heart do flips on my chest.

"Stop it." I whispered and slapped his arm lightly.

  The whole time I talked to Liz, Luke just smiled and stayed quiet. It was so easy to talk to her. We talked about softball, and my family. Apparently Luke told her about my mom, which I didn't mind, I just didn't know he did. She was so good with advice and she was so easy to vent to. I seriously felt as close with her as I did with Luke or any of my friends.

  I offered to help her cook multiple times but she insisted that I don't. She said I had a long day of practice and I should relax. She also actually asked me to have a spa day with her before she goes, which I obviously couldn't say no to.

  After we ate I offered to help her with the dishes. She let me, but only because I kept pushing her. I just felt bad that she was cooking and she was doing all the clean up too.

"I have a question." I said as I dried my hands on the clean dish towel.

"Alright." She chuckled and dried her hands as well.

"Luke refuses to show me any, so I was wondering if you had an baby pictures. There's the ones that he left up around the house but he replaced a lot of them with other pictures." I said which made her laugh.

"I've got so many. Come with me, I'll show you where they are so you can look at them whenever you want." She said and waved for me to follow her as she walked upstairs.

"Where are you going?" He asked as we passed him in the living room. 

"None of your business." Liz said which made me laugh as I followed her up the stairs.

"I keep them in this box in the little nook in the attic. I don't even think Luke knows where they are so he won't get to hide them from you. This box is Luke's, the others are his brothers and then there's one with just strictly family photos." She said and pointed to each box as she told me what was in them. Luckily she had written on them with sharpie so I'd know.

  She was very organized when it came to these pictures. They were all in age groups and the books were in order. I only hope to be as organized as she is when I'm a mom.

"Which one is filled with toddler pictures?" I asked and she quickly took out a photo book and handed it to me.

"He's gonna kill us you know." I said as I held the book to my chest.

"He can't kill me, I brought him into this world. And he can't kill you only just because he loves you so much." She said and closed the box and stood up from the ground. 

"That's true." I said and stood up and followed her back downstairs.

"What is that- mum you didn't show her the- mum why?" He said frantically once he saw what I was holding. I couldn't help but giggle excitedly as I sat down next to him and held the very large book in my lap.

"Put that away." He said firmly and pointed upstairs.

"Nope." I said and looked down as I opened to the first page of the book. The first picture made my heart melt. It was just a picture of him playing with some toys on the ground but he was so cute.

"Ellie why?" He groaned and dramatically fell back on the couch.

"Because you never let me look for them, and from the limited amount of pictures I've seen you were adorable." I said as I flipped the page and took a solid minute to look at every picture.

"Because I don't like them." He said and covered his face with his hands.

"Oh come on why not? Look at those chubby cheeks." I said and swooned over yet another picture.

"I was a chubby kid." He said with a sigh.

"You were so cute, and now that I know where these are I will be looking at them all the time." I said and kept my eyes glued to the pictures.

"You're going to be the death of me." He sighed.

"That's fine." I said and turned my page again.

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