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"It's the last day of school. Are you excited for summer?" I asked Luke as I walked up to his locker before first period.

"I've never been more excited for anything in my life." He said and smiled down at me.

"We're having a bonfire at Calum's tonight. There will probably be alcohol too. You're coming right?" I asked as we walked to our first class.

"Of course I'm coming." He said and wrapped an arm around my shoulders.

"I don't know if Ashton told you or not but next week we have a gig at this place a couple hours away. I don't know how he got it but hopefully it'll get us somewhere." He said nervously. I don't know what he was nervous about. Obviously I'd be happy for him.

"Really? That's amazing Luke." I said excitedly which made his nervous look disappear and get replaced with a happy one.

"Hopefully we're good enough." He said and looked down at his feet. 

"You are good enough. I've seen you guys play and you sound amazing. You have a beautiful voice Lu, don't doubt yourself." I said as we stopped in front of my classroom so I could go in.

"I love you." He said with a smile and leaned down to kiss me.

"We're at school." I whispered and pulled away from him as he tried to make the kiss a bit more heated.

"I can't resist you Eleanor." He said loudly as he turned around and walked off to class.


  The last day of school was quite the interesting one. My classes were fine, pretty uneventful since we had nothing to do. But lunch was eventful. The boys decided to cause a scene at our lunch table.

  Ashton brought his drum sticks and slammed them against any surface he passed, including people heads. Michael pretty much caused a food fight. And then there was Calum and Luke pulling small little pranks on literally everyone, including the lunch ladies.

  I see why they did it. They probably would do it every day if they didn't get detention for it. But since it's the last day they can't really do that, so everyone did pretty much whatever they wanted.

"Come over at five!" Calum yelled as we all went to our separate cars that were relatively close to each other in the parking lot.

"Okay." We all said and hopped in our cars and headed home.

  When I got home I touched up my makeup a bit and packed some clothes in case we either stayed at Calum's or I went back to Luke's with him. I heard Ashton running around the house from my room but ignored it since he was usually super weird.

"I'm going to get Mal and go to Cal's. Do you want to come or is Luke picking you up?" Ashton asked and peaked his head in my room.

"Luke's bringing me but thank you." I said and zipped up my bag and fixed up my curls that were getting messy.

"Alright see you in a bit." He said and dashed down the stairs and out the door. A few minutes later I heard the door open again and figured it was probably Luke coming in to get me.

"Hey gorgeous." He said with a smile and kissed my lips.

"Hey pretty boy." I said and pinched his cheek.

"Stop doing that." He said and hid his cheek with his shoulder and held the cutest look on his face.

"No because you do that every single time and it's the cutest thing." I said and slung my bag over my shoulder.

"Come on let's go." He said and hit my butt as I walked past him.

"Keep your hands to yourself mister." I scolded and turned around to face him.

"I can't, sorry." He said and scooped me up and carried me downstairs.

"You don't look that sorry." I said and poked his dimple with my finger.

"It's cause I'm really not that sorry." He said sassily and put me down on the ground but clung to my hand tightly as he pulled me out of my house.


"How's the happy couple?" Calum asked as we walked through his house to give him a hug.

"Still happy. How's Charlotte? Is she coming?" I asked and took a glass and filled it with water.

"Yeah she'll be here later, she's really great." He said with a wide smile and pink cheeks.

"Aww is Calum in love?" Luke asked and pinched his cheek which made me laugh.

"No I just really like her, we've only been going out for a month or so." He said and pushed Luke's hand away.

"You're close. It's in the eyes." I said and pointed to his eyes.

"Is it?" They both asked and looked at me.

"Well obviously, where else would it be?" I asked and took a sip from my glass.

"I don't know, the heart or something?" Calum said and shrugged his shoulders.

"You can't see someone's heart you idiot." I said and rolled my eyes.

"Let's go outside, I'm gonna start up the grill while we wait for those morons to get here." Calum said and nudged his head towards the backyard.

"Hurry up I'm hungry." I said and sat down at the glass table that was near the grill.

"I can't start the food until everyone gets here. Have some chips." He said and handed me a bowl of chips which I gladly took from him.

"How is Ashton not here yet? He left before we did." I said and kicked my feet up on the table and leaned back in my chair.

"He's probably having sex with Mallory." Luke said and took some chips from the bowl.

"Ew don't say that, that's my brother." I said and made a disgusted face at him while he laughed and shook his head.

"He definitely is though." Calum said before he went inside to get whatever he was getting.

"Have you had sex with Charlotte yet?" I yelled as he walked back out with a plate of different kinds of raw meet.

"No I'm waiting for the right time for that." He said and put the plate on the small table next to the grill.

"Weren't you the one that said if you wait for the right time for something it'll never come?" Luke asked and popped another chip in his mouth.

"Maybe, it could've been Ashton. It sounds like a thing he would say." He said and sat down next to us and ate some chips.

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