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A/N- it gets better, i promise.

"SHES GONE! SUMMER'S GONE!" i heard one of the russian agents yell. One of the very many agents who caused me pain. One of the very agents who stole me away from my home in England. One of the very agents who killed my whole family in order to obtain me. I never understood why they picked me of all people, nor did i understand why they named me Summer because i was more of a winter girl, but i guess that role was already being played by Him. I was supposed to be His. I never saw him but I did know that he had a metal arm, and that intrigued me.

I chose to ignore their yells of panic and carried on my army crawl down the vent i had climbed into from her cell. I was quite small for a 16 year old but that's mostly due to them not feeding me well enough. I was always a petite girl. I stood at around 5"1 and was quite skinny. My usually smooth, blonde hair was now a matted mess. My green eyes were no longer full of life, but tired and distant.

The screaming and yelling was slowly becoming less and less clear as i moved further and further into the vents.
"Shit," I mumbled under my breath as I came to a split path in the vent; one going left and one going straight ahead. I peeked down the one branching to the left and saw an opening into another room but pulled my head back around the corner quickly but careful not to make the slightest of noises. An agent had his head inside the vent searching for something I assumed was me. I held my breath to make sure there was no sound coming from my mouth while slowly backing up back down the vent.

BANG. The agent hit the vent with something causing me to shriek.
"I'VE GOT HER! SHE'S IN THE VENTS!" i heard the agent scream, completely disregarding my past plan which required me to be silent and decided to crawl as fast as i could down the vent where i could see a faint light, signalling freedom.

"Come one Juni, you can do this. One last push and you're free. No more tests. No more pain," I gave myself a slightly inaffective pep talk while hurrying towards the opening. I turned around so my feet were facing the opening and kicked the casing as hard as I could until it fell to the ground giving me enough space to slip out.

Before I could hit the ground, i awoke in a cold sweat, breathing short sharp breaths. This was a reoccurring nightmare I had been having lately, my escape from when I was 19.

Now that I was 26 I had changed a little. I now stood at 5"2, which in my opinion was a great achievement, my hair was now hanging just above my shoulders in my natural shade of blonde (although it could be mistaken for white) and I had learnt 3 new languages: russian, romanian and german.

I now lived in my own little two bedroom apartment which was, to my fortune, 2 floors from Steve Rogers. Me and Steve met a little over 6 years ago when I finally found the courage to leave my house without a hoodie covering my face, in fear Hydra may recognise me and take me back.

When I met Steve, I didn't recognise him. He was a stranger, just a regular citizen that i knew no better than to be afraid of. Steve had asked why I'd looked so frightened by his presence and with the unprecedented interaction, i had ran away from him.

I didn't see Steve again for a couple of weeks, and deep down i knew that he meant no harm by our past interaction, and that i should probably apologise for my fright. After a short exchange of smiles and jokes in the hallways, I deemed him trustworthy. A few coffee friend dates later and I had told him the story of the orphan Juniper Astrid. The broken girl who'd escaped from her abductors and her memories.

From that moment on, Steve swore to me that he'd always be there for me, no matter what it was that i needed. He had asked me if i remembered who it was, but all i could tell him was that it was an organisation, and they must've trained me to fight because i did it well. It took a week for the billboards with his face on them to make sense, the name 'Captain America' ringing no bells for me.

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