f o u r t e e n

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We arrived at the lab, climbing out of the jet to canvas the area. There's a body of peaceful water surrounding the lab, a single road leading to it. That one road, however, broke into many different roads, leading to different buildings scattered around the water; all part of the lab.

"Two minutes. Stay close." He spoke into comms to the group standing 20 feet behind us. I looked back to see several nods and Bruce walking towards us. I turned on my heel and followed Steve, letting Bruce walk a few feet behind me.

The thought of Pietro and Wanda alone against Ultron made me uneasy. I knew they could handle themselves, but it still frightened me.

Steve and i broke out into a jog, Bruce following close behind us, fear sprawled across his face.

When we finally reached the building, we found Helen propped up against a white chest, blood leaking from her shoulder. There was a piece of blue fabric wrapped loosely around the wound, it wasn't tight enough to stop the dribble of blood running down her lab clothes.

"Doctor Cho!" Steve called out to her. She whimpered as she attempted to sit up further.

I quickly pressed my hand to her wound to stop the bleeding, allowing it to glow a bright purple before she stopped me, shoving my hands away.

"No, save your energy." he muttered, her face growing paler by the minute.

"I have to help." I tried to put my hand back to her shoulder, but she refused. Bruce finally arrived, kneeling beside her and wiping the hair from her face.

"He's- uploading himself into the body." She panted, holding onto Bruce tighter.

"The real power is inside the cradle. Th- the gem, it's power is uncontainable. You can't just b- blow it up. You have to get the crad- cradle to Stark."

"First i have to find it." Steve looked back at me. Helen nodded, motioning them to leave, before actually telling them to leave.

"Did you guys get that?" I asked over comms, pressing a finger to the earpiece, fighting with myself for leaving her before following Steve out the door. Bruce begun bandaging her wounds as we did.

"We did." Clint replied.

Steve and i jogged across the paths connecting the lab to the main land, reaching the main road and running along a populated open park street.

"I got a private jet taking off across town. No manifest, that could be him." Natasha said suggestively. Clint had a different idea though.

"There. It's a truck from the lab. Right above you cap, on the loop by the bridge. It's them. I got three with the cradle, one in the cab. I can take out the driver." Steve's response was almost immediate.

"Negative! That truck crashes, the gem could level the city." We climbed up the ladder, leading to higher ground.

"We've gotta get the cradle to Stark." I finished. Turns out, the ladder was to a bridge. A bridge we were about to jump off of. Without warning, Steve jumped, pulling me off of the bridge and landing us, well hanging us, off of the truck door.

"Son of a-" I yelled, cutting myself off as i landed with a thud onto the door of the truck. Steve gave me a pointed look, as if to tease me about the fright i rarely expressed, "I don't wanna hear it."

A blast of light came through the door we were hanging onto, slamming me into the door of the truck, loosing my grip on it and ultimately landing with a thud on the ground. I immediately stood, running after the truck, but wasn't fast enough.

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